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14 Fake And Dried Foliage Alternatives If You're Always Killing Your Houseplants


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Faux solutions are your best bet if you're forgetful when it comes to watering your plants
Faux solutions are your best bet if you're forgetful when it comes to watering your plants

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An unfortunate truth about myself that I’ve slowly come to terms with is that I am really not a good plant parent. Try as I might, I constantly forget to water my pots, and always manage to let any pretty bouquets die way before their time.

If you too are neglectful when it comes to your plants, then there are actually loads of artificial and dried options you can go for instead – and they all really do look luxe!

Whether you’re after some on-trend pampas to fill your favourite sculptural vase, fancy swapping the wilting weekly flowers for a pretty and preserved bouquet, or just simply want a faux leafy plant that can pass for the real thing, I’ve got you covered with these faff-free flora and foliage solutions.

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