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5 Tips To Lure Yourself Away From Bed On These Cold Winter Mornings


Active member
Struggling to wake up? Same.

The inviting comfort of your duvet and fortress of pillows are difficult to part with during these dark, cold winter mornings. But alas, work (and general life) beckon.

At least there are some things you can do to lure yourself out of bed. You might need to trick or bribe yourself to prise yourself, but it needs to be done.

Here are some things you can do to soften the blow.

Leave your day clothes on the heater overnight

If your heaters automatically go on in the mornings then utilise this time. Leave out your day attire (yes WFH gang, you need to get out of your PJs) on the heater.

Pick out a jumper/fleece to lock in maximum heat and leave it out on the radiator overnight. Don’t forget the socks. This way you’ll have a toasty set of clothes to get into in the morning,

Plan a nice breakfast

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can stomach breakfast and those who can’t. But, as the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so try not to skip it.

In fact, you can promise yourself a nice meal and fill your plate with nutrient-rich plate of goodness. Can’t eat anything so early? Why not try a breakfast smoothie?

Find something that will make you look forward to it and prepare for it beforehand.

Shower before bed

Whether you’re working from home or commuting to the office, the thought of getting under the shower in the morning is hardly tempting (even though you probably would enjoy it if you did it).

So, why not have a bath or shower before you go to sleep so you still wake up clean – and have a restful night’s sleep – without needing to do it all on a cold freezing morning?

Get walking

Commuter gang won’t have any problems with this one, but those WFH-ing might want to get moving before the work shift starts. Not only will this low-intensity workout get all the endorphins going, you’ll get your step count up and it’ll have you feeling better throughout your day.

And bonus if it means you can walk to a nearby cafe for a morning tea or coffee (though you probably don’t want to do this every day).

Alternatively, you might want to do some yoga or any other morning movement which will help start your day.

Leave your alarm clock away from you

This is a classic move and while the other tips will have you wanting to leave the bed (or at least being okay with), it’s unlikely you’ll be thrilled about getting up to turn the alarm off.

But it’s tried and tested. So maybe leave the alarm clock/your phone near the bedroom door, So by the time you get near it, you’ll feel like you’re already closer to the bathroom so you might as well get up.

