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A triptych of videos paint coup-plotting attorney into a corner


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On Friday, The Undercurrent TV creator Lauren Windsor published the last of three videos showing a conversation with Republican attorney John Eastman. Eastman, who authored a plot to have Mike Pence declare Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 election by simply refusing to count electoral votes from states that Trump lost, went back to his gilded hammock in the vast network of ring-wing “institutes” following the Jan. 6 insurgency.

Once he was clear of the Trump White House, Eastman tried to downplay the whole idea that he had been seriously pushing Pence to overturn the election, throw the nation into chaos, and install Trump as dictator for life. Earlier this month, he told National Review that the whole thing was just a kind of thought experiment. Instead, Eastman claimed that he had only drafted up his how-to-destroy-democracy plan at the request of “somebody in the legal team. I just don’t recall.”

Eastman himself took the stage on Jan. 6 at the Stop the Steal rally, telling the roaring Trump fans that Trump’s team had caught voting machines changing votes in real-time and that thousands of spare votes had been packed away in Georgia both during the presidential results and Senate ballots “until they know how many they need” to beat Trump. Eastman also stood at Rudy Giuliani’s elbow as Trump’s attorney explained how Eastman’s plan to overturn the election was “perfectly legal.”

Despite all that, he told the reporters at National Review that the whole thing was “not viable” and that attempting to pursue the plan he presented to Trump and Pence in the Oval Office would have been “plain crazy.”

Eastman said that until Windsor hit the right’s “greatest constitutional expert” with some sold fangirl fawning. And that’s when Eastman seriously changed his tune.

When Eastman was given no more than a few seconds of reassurance that he was among a MAGA-loving crowd, he quickly went from dismissing his plan to dismissing Mike Pence as an “establishment guy” who ruined everything by not going along.

EXCLUSIVE: Author of Jan 6 coup memo John Eastman told us Mike Pence didn't take his solid legal advice & overturn the election bc Pence is "an establishment guy" (He previously told @NRO the memo was not “viable” and would have been “crazy” to pursue.) Stay tuned for Part 2. pic.twitter.com/RQeUceH1bn

— Lauren Windsor (@lawindsor) October 26, 2021

Then, in part two, Windsor caught Eastman not only pressing a claim that CNN had paid Antifa to infiltrate the insurrection and capture images of violence, but she also recorded him doing what so many Republicans seem to be doing these days—flinging his arms around the Proud Boys and claiming violent white supremacists as Trump’s core supporters.

EXCLUSIVE, Jan 6 coup memo author John Eastman told us at a Claremont Institute gala that: 1. Trump planned to go to the Capitol 2. @CNN paid Antifa $60k to break in 3. FBI infiltrated and instigated the Oath Keepers + Proud Boys, whom he calls "our guys" Stay tuned for Part 3 pic.twitter.com/Ol9JTOnMYL

— Lauren Windsor (@lawindsor) October 27, 2021

And in the final installment, Eastman explains how he and Trump personally leaned on 300 state legislators in an attempt to get them to sabotage democracy. But, sadly found that they all lacked the “spine” to get with the Trump now, Trump forever plan.

EXCLUSIVE: Jan 6 coup memo author John Eastman told us that the 300 state legislators he, Trump, and Giuliani tried to convince to overturn the election are "spineless" and need to be primaried in 2022. *Thanks for watching, this is the last of 4 videos in this series. pic.twitter.com/ZN5HUTM1bp

— Lauren Windsor (@lawindsor) October 29, 2021

While the video is now available at The Undercurrent, all of it is likely to get some serious network air time when Eastman makes his expected appearance before the House Select Committee.