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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: COVID long-hauler changes his tune, becomes champion pro-vaxxer


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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale is a rare hero—antivaxxer who is working hard to make amends.


So many infected anti-vaxxers cling to their conspiracies to the bitter end. Travis got over them pretty quickly. It’s truly shocking that this isn’t more of the norm. Then again, Travis’ Facebook feed isn’t full of conspiracy shit, at least not publicly. No politics, either. Presumably, just someone who consumed the conspiracies put out by others. Perhaps one is less vested in believing those lies if he or she isn’t complicit in spreading them.




Here’s a toast to those trying to fight stupid on Facebook.


“... cause spike proteins in brain.” Oh boy. That other dude is right, the “do your own research” crowd needs to, uh, do some research. So what is a spike protein? See those red spikes in a SARS-CoV-2 virus?


Those are spike proteins. Those spikes allow the virus to bind to target cells, which then allows the virus to release its genetic material to infect them. Under a microscope, they look like a crown. And corona is “crown” in Latin. (And Spanish too.) Hence, coronavirus.

So this dumbass commenter is claiming that the virus causes the brain to develop spike proteins, which is utterly nonsensical and stupid. There is no such thing as coronabrain.


Mark Sumner has made this point over and over again—the virus has one goal, to replicate. It must infect. That's it! The only thing it cares about. Most viruses don’t spread until after symptoms begin. Hence, it’s not in the virus’ interest to kill its victims. But COVID? It spreads before symptoms. It can spread in asymptomatic people. It does its job really well, and so it has zero pressure to become less lethal over time.

Omicron might be less lethal, if initial reports bear out over the following weeks, but that’s just by accident. The next version could be just as transmissible as omicron, but even deadlier than delta. COVID doesn’t care whether its hosts live or die because either case, it has already spread to new hosts absent mitigation efforts.


Imagine looking at the millions dead from COVID, the tens dead from a vaccine given to billions, and thinking, “Gotta wait for the human trials to be over!”


Yeah, not helpful. Best case scenario, no anti-vaxxers. Next best-case scenario, anti-vaxxers who realize the benefits of vaccination to convince others to vaccinate. Travis was stupid, but he doesn’t dispute that. He’s trying to do right, and he’s doing more than most to convince others not to make his mistake.

He’s been in The Washington Post, CNN, local TV, and newspapers, and wide pickup in other media outlets rerunning those stories. (The CNN video is very powerful.) I even saw a reporter from the BBC reaching out to him in a comment. He’s spoken at his church about his ordeal. Many people have heard his message—not of sympathy, but of regret, humility, and learning from his mistake.


Here’s a link to that video, one of many he posted as he chronicled his hospital stay.

Hard to watch that video and think, “Yeah I’m going to remain unvaccinated because COVID is just like the flu.” I mean, it’s hard to watch, period. COVID is nasty shit.


The responses to this post are remarkable. You can see it for yourself here. A taste of the dozens, if not hundreds of people who were inspired to vaccinate thanks to Travis’ posts:





So beautiful.


Hundreds of thousands in bills if you’re lucky. Yesterday we got a look at one hospital bill that was well over $1 million. He’s a great messenger for the vaccination cause.




“99.8% survival rate!” they scream. Even if their number was right, and it’s not, surviving COVID doesn’t mean “all back to normal” as in surviving the common cold or flu. It means a lifetime of ailments, a compromised respiratory system, heart problems, brain damage from insufficient oxygen, COVID toe, chronic loss of taste and smell, and who knows what else. Yes, most people are lucky. But why play the odds when the solution is a free jab?

Kudos to Travis Campbell for becoming a champion for life, health, and getting our country and world back to normal. His might be good content to share with the holdouts in your families.

As for me, I got my booster yesterday— Moderna after the initial two-dose Pfizer. I’m feeling a little nauseous, maybe a little achey. Could be psychosomatic, but whatever. It’s a good excuse for a Friday afternoon nap!