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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: He still believed in his immune system


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Today’s cautionary tale had all the memes and a strong belief in his immune system and Jesus.


If you have a mandatory phone that tracks you, why do you need a chip implant?

I do dig the pet satellite that follows us around.


… is a billionaire who has enough money to hire all of those other things.


Remember how conservatives scoff at the idea that Islam is a religion of peace? These American Taliban extremists are no different than Islamic extremists, using their religion as justification for their bigotry, misogyny, and violent fantasies.

And such is at odds with the peaceful Biblical Jesus, who tended to the poor and reserved his ire for the greedy.


Fauci: “Vaccinate, mask, and social distance, and we’ll get through this painful global pandemic with minimal death, despair, and suffering.”



“Please stop doing the thing that has kept you alive the last 399 days.”


Conservatives: “I’m going to tell people what to do in the privacy of their own cars even though it doesn’t affect anyone.”

Also conservatives: “Don’t tell me what to do I won’t vaccinate even though it affects EVERYONE.”


Posted on Facebook, which has a vaccine mandate, instead of Gab or other right-wing social media sites, which don’t. So … yeah. Not a particularly credible threat.

Businesses can’t stay in business if they cull their own customers. Well, unless you’re Big Tobacco. They somehow pulled it off.


I mean, if they want to argue that McDonald’s is unhealthy, by all means, please do! McDonald’s is the devil.


If they admit that McDonald’s is unhealthy, will they also admit that their Dear Leader is an unhealthy slop of garbage?


… and then the test of 3.25 billion people went off without a hitch and the vaccine’s safety was proven without a shadow of any doubt.


Sweden, famously, did absolutely nothing to fight COVID-19. Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

Deaths by 1 million

Israel: 874 Sweden: 1,480

It’s not even close.

Meanwhile, right now, Sweden (population 10.4 million) is averaging about 1,000 new daily cases, while Israel (population 9.2 million) is at around 500 new daily cases.

Meanwhile, Sweden is rolling out a vaccine passport and has admitted that they really f’d up their pandemic response.

1) Sweden's Corona Commission, put together by the Swedish govt to evaluate national response to COVID outbreak, came out with a new report. It contradicted a great deal of bullshit spread by people outside of Sweden. Here are some of the key findings, and they aren't flattering.

— Christian Christensen (@ChrChristensen) October 30, 2021

Weird that there was never any follow-up meme with the updated data.

Bonus data points: Sweden (67.4%) now has a higher vaccination rate than Israel (62.5%).

And if you’re wondering why that spike happened in Israel, it was because they were the first country to heavily vaccinate, and the first country to see the decline in vaccine efficacy at the six-month mark. That's why we knew we had to boost.


Guys, never mind hospitals and medications. All you need to survive disease is heartfelt faith in the strength of your immune system.

Those 760,000 Americans who have died of COVID-19 clearly didn’t believe strongly enough.

Of course, one of the marvels of our civilization is the realization that we could train our immune systems to do their jobs better. These wondrous things called “vaccines” were invented hundreds of years ago, and we’ve only gotten smarter about how to boost our natural immunity to fight new pathogens specifically evolved to evade our natural antibodies!

So no, dumbass, we don’t act like our immune systems don’t exist. We have specifically supercharged them with vaccines so they can do their jobs better.



Yes, survival rates are low for those put on ventilators, but they’re not zero. Some people pull through. But this family, in its infinite wisdom, decided to torture their loved one, desperately gasping for air, for several days until his heart gave out.


Note, he didn’t die of COVID-19. He died of a “bad reaction to medication.” That’s why redemption stories are so welcome—most of them end like this, in denial to the very end.

Anti-mandate businesses will never again get his money, nor will he need to fear being a human experiment. Bill Gates is no longer his concern, nor will he be around to witness Jesus’ triumphant invasion and conquest of the world. And he won’t need to dwell on his immune system’s gross betrayal after he’d entrusted it with all his faith.