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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: He was the rock of the family, then Trump and Q entered the picture


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Today’s cautionary tale chose Q over Fauci.



I just wish this was a legally binding meme, stating that refusal to take vaccine meant individual wouldn’t take a hospital bed from a more deserving person. That would really communicate how “firm” the person really stood.


WAKE UP SHEEPLE. The New World Order can’t carry out its plans for, uh, a new order in the world? Is that what they’re going for? Well, ain’t gonna happen IF YOU DON’T MASK.


Remember when “compassion” meant caring about others?

I don’t know if COVID “killed” compassion, but it certainly showed us who has it, and the unfortunate millions of anti-vaxxers, mostly conservatives, oftentimes religious, who don’t.


Guys, there’s no science. He went looking and it wasn't even there!


They ain’t always wrong. Please, don’t go to stadiums or restaurants if you’re unvaccinated. Keep your COVID to yourself.


Random googling. Here’s Christiane Northrup:

Christiane Northrup is a obstetrics and gynaecology physician and author who has embraced pseudoscientific alternative medicine and anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. She has a history of opposing vaccination and has embraced QAnon ideology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Northrup reaches a significant audience through popular books and multiple social media platforms and spreads misinformation, notably about COVID-19.

Carrie Madej:

Carrie Madej's video makes a false claim that the vaccines will change recipients' DNA (which carries genetic information).

"The Covid-19 vaccines are designed to make us into genetically modified organisms."

Larry Palevsky:

FALSE: According to Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, anyone who gets vaccinated against the COVID-19 can transmit the spike protein of the virus that is produced by their cells.

Explanation: There is no report or scientific study that corroborates the claim that the spike protein has been found in the saliva of people that have been vaccinated for the COVID-19. In reality, the protein is produced in cells in the area of the muscle that each individual received the vaccine and there is not a mechanism that would allow the production of the protein in the upper respiratory system.

This is the anti-vaxxer misinformation all-star team.

I do find it interesting that for a movement that is singularly focused on discrediting the scientific and medical establishments, they cling to tightly to any random crank with a PhD.


ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS OWNERS: Please review all the Facebook profiles every morning, before work, so you are properly caught up on everyone’s notices.

Meanwhile, HIPAA only applies to doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers. A business can ask to see your vaccination card, and you are free to refuse to show it. And just like no shoes, no shirt, no service, they are well within their rights to deny the unvaccinated service.


This video is hogwash.

Really, we can stipulate that anything posted to “WeLoveTrump.com” is hogwash.

First of all, this guy is a veterinarian, which isn’t a problem for the anti-vaxxers since they love to ingest horse dewormer. Though reading more about this guy, he’s got a novel theory:

Dr. Bossche asserts that vaccines are like antibiotics in that, when they are both overused and imperfect, they allow germs to mutate in dangerous ways. With antibiotic use, the bacteria that have developed a mutation or acquired a gene that gives them protection from the antibiotic will escape death and soon become the dominant strain. That’s antibiotic resistance. Bossche claims that the same thing will happen with the coronavirus. Because, he says, the vaccines are imperfect, they will allow the virus to keep being transmitted from person to person and thus mutate inside of us, until a dangerous new variant emerges.

Turns out, the virus only mutates when our body’s immune system is unable to ward it off. In other words, this catastrophe he warns off is most likely if no one is vaccinated. That said, funny how all these cranks have their own crackpot theories, and anti-vaxxers embrace them all. The vaccine creates super viruses by working to well! The vaccines actually don’t work at all! The vaccine sheds spike proteins! The vaccine is a Trojan horse to implant everyone with a microchip! The vaccine is actually poison to kill everyone! The vaccine is key to the long-running New World Order masterplan to take over humanity! The vaccine was rushed and hasn’t been properly tested.

OMFG would it be too much to ask for them to settle on one or two logically consistent arguments against the vaccine?


Relying on WeLoveTrump.com kills brain cells.


Relying on WeLoveTrump.com kills lots of brain cells.


I might take this shit more seriously if these assholes cared about those kids after they were born, instead of fighting Democratic efforts to create and extend the child tax credit and other programs that benefit children.

I would also take them more seriously if they cared about a disease that has left 140,000 children without a parent.

Conservatives don’t care about abortion because of babies. They care about abortion because women (sluts, harlots in their minds) should bear the consequences of their actions. It’s about taking away a woman’s agency and exerting control over her body, the end.

It’s liberals who actually fight to provide for those children.


Apparently, WeLoveTrump.com’s job is to find every ridiculous doctor and uncritically hype their nonsense. This one has carved out a niche by prescribing Ivermectin to whoever wants it.



Sigh. It’s never-ending bullshit. Never. Ending.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. FDA experts did not say this, and strongly refuted this false claim in an email to The Associated Press. A speaker who is not affiliated with the FDA made these statements during the open public hearing portion of a Sept. 17 FDA vaccine advisory panel meeting.

That speaker used the VAERS self-reporting system to try and back up his bogus claims. I explained VAERS in greater depth in this story. In short, VAERS is evidence of nothing.


Every single date Q has given for some major event has been a bust. Literally every single one of them. But somehow, they’re not the ones being lied to.

Hell, Q quit the game! No longer posting after every Trump prediction failed to materialize, and their God King lost the election. And yet this thing has survived.


Here's the fact check. Hold on to your seats ... it's false.

Social media users are sharing a speech made by attorney Thomas Renz in which he claims that through access to the Medicare Tracking System, he discovered that more than 48,000 people have died within 14 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) told Reuters that no such database exists [...]

Reuters did not find a website or database called “Medicare Tracking System.” A spokesperson for CMS told Reuters via email that the claim is false.

They pretend that some random dude is an FDA commissioner. They make up websites to support made up numbers.

If your ideology depends on fabricating “proof,” perhaps rethink your trajectory in life?


Context, from a Reddit comment:

According to his FB their parents were killed in a car accident when he was 19. He essentially raised his siblings. This lady has now lost all of her sibling-parents in the last few weeks, at least one (this one) to COVID.

Wow, that’s genuinely tragic. I feel for his sister. He was the rock of the family after losing both parents, and WeLoveTrump.com and Q destroyed it all.



Facebook lost a prolific distributor of dangerous and deadly mis- and disinformation. WeLoveTrump.com lost a reader and amplifier. Trump lost a voter.

You’d think self-interest would motivate these people to rethink things. “Hmmm, we’re killing off our strongest supporters, maybe that’s not the best idea?” But nope. They like this, the sick fucks.