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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: Looks like attending that anti-mask protest was ... ill-advised


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Today we’re visiting with a couple of California deplorables.

Pink is wife, red is husband.


“Your body your choice” only when it is personally convenient. Don’t expect ideological consistency with these people.



Less than 1% of nurses have quit because of COVID vaccine mandates.

You know what is decimating the nursing ranks? Burnout from an unnecessarily prolonged pandemic and asshole family members belligerently demanding ivermectin and other quack treatments from medical staff.


Searching the Constitution for the part where the government can interfere with medical decisions between a woman and her doctor.

Searching the Constitution for the part that allows a 41-seat Senate minority to stymie the passage of legislation.

Searching the Constitution for the part where citizens unaffiliated with a “well-regulated militia” have a right to own weapons of mass death.

Searching the Constitution for the part that said weapons of mass death are more important than the lives of schoolchildren.

We can play this stupid game all day.


Love the California student mandate. Love knowing my kids are safer than would otherwise be the case.


LOL as if Trump voters would ever stop shopping at Walmart.

Heck, in red counties, Walmart is often the only choice. From Walmart’s own PR:

We have nearly 4,000 Walmart locations that are positioned within one or more of the federally designated medically underserved areas or where there are limited pharmacy options.

Take Walgreens and CVS out of the equation, and certainly hospital pharmacies, and I’m not sure where these people are supposed to get their drugs.


Heading to Sacramento to protest life-saving masks.


The couple fighting masks for no real reason beyond FREEDOM is now going to pretend that there are actual reasons to oppose masks? They are so transparently full of shit.

Also, people suffering from respiratory issues are those who most need to mask. They are the most at-risk group from a virus that directly attacks the respiratory system.


Donald Trump Jr. thinks a handful of pilots refusing to vaxx is “the bravest thing I have seen in years.” Never mind our troops in harm’s way, or the myriad instances of people putting themselves in harm’s way to save lives. Nope.

It’s just some asshole saying “I won’t take the vaccine,” who most likely will when it’s between keeping their job and not (as we’ve seen time and time again).




What do we want?

"To catch and die of a preventable and horrifically painful disease!"

When do we want it?



Most Americans support vaccine mandates for kids. And this is California, which is extra liberal. They’re vastly outnumbered.


They were so happy posting pictures of their protest!

The wife was a mother of three boys. His Facebook page doesn’t have pictures of the boys, so it must've been a second marriage for her. Two of the boys were teenagers and the third looks younger, about 8 or 9 years old. She also claimed to be a teacher. She was working so hard to make her and her kids less safe.

It worked. The one above was her last post.



There was, of course, no “shifting narrative.” Vaccines were never 100% effective, which is why we needed full adoption to reach herd immunity. And vaccine efficacy (and natural immunity) waned over months, requiring booster shots.


The federal mandate is nearly identical to Fox News’ mandate: vaccinate or test daily.

As AP reported last month, Fox News hosts have shied away from talking about their company’s policy, and Carlson didn’t dwell on the point for more than a moment or even truly detail the policy. That’s probably because that Fox News policy is actually more stringent than the one Biden has announced for large businesses. Neither, in fact, require vaccination. Both allow for a testing alternative. Fox News’s is for daily testing, while Biden’s is for weekly testing.


Really rich for assholes refusing to do what’s necessary to flatten the curve, then complaining that the curve hasn’t flattened.

That said, yeah, shutdowns flatten the curve. Would be nice to stop new waves in the first place, hence obviating the need to flatten them.


Wife died one month after her mask-free anti-mask rally, which is the usual time it takes for COVID to incubate and kill.

That rally killed her.

Husband never announced her death on his Facebook feed (at least not publicly), and certainly never announced that she had COVID and was fighting for her life. He did, however, post his last anti-vaxx meme—that “flatten the curve” one—on Oct. 25, which suggests that he likely found out about her infection shortly thereafter. And maybe, just maybe, he’s decided to finally shut up about it and stop spreading that shit.

She was 45.