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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: Surviving lawn darts and Clackers is better than a vaccine. Or is it?


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Let’s call today’s cautionary tale “Mr Black.”


Donald Trump got 74 million votes. Joe Biden got 81 million. They have to lie about everything.


OMFG this is the dumbest f’n meme! It says it right there on the freakin’ meme: REGISTERED.

Yes, they are registered. And when they move somewhere, they have to notify all their neighbors that they are present. And there is an online database where you can see all the sexual offenders living near you.

All of that means more than “carrying a card,” because what the heck would be the purpose of that? Even then, several states actually do put sex offender status on their drivers licenses. Registered sex offenders already have no privacy.



Restaurant: No mask, no shot, we don’t care, come in!

Customer: Dies, becomes severely incapacitated, or suffers financial devastation from long-haul COVID.

Restaurant: … profit?


If you think you see a parallel, you are beyond hope.


I read that as “I will not comply with a com, munist”.

Goes back to running theory—conservatives slap “communist” on anything they don’t like, utterly disregarding the actual definition of the word.


So redickuless!

Spoiler: he didn’t get COVID, because that’s not how you get COVID.

And dear god, stop being such a snowflake. It’s a nose swab.


Candace claims Central American victims of rampant drug-fueled gang violence just “want an upgrade.” El Salvador and Honduras are the two most violent countries on earth, followed by Jamaica, Venezuela, Belize, and Guatemala. But sure, they just want “an upgrade.” What a vile piece of shit. No wonder conservatives love her.


Hey look, white men saying “absolutely” to a Black woman saying that there’s no racism.

Gotta hand it to her, she found the best possible grift—absolving racist assholes of their flaws.


I didn’t remember clackers, and turns out that they were a thing before I immigrated to the United States.

Clackers [...] were toys popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

In 1968, tempered glass sphere models emerged that would eventually shatter, sending glass shards into the face of the user and anyone nearby.

So psyched Mr Black survived clackers. But what weird logic.


No! I survived Clackers!


No! I survived a Ford Pinto!

But hell, all the Clackers and lawn darts won’t take away their fear of scary brown immigrant caravans or critical race theory!

BTW, turns out the redneck in that meme is gay porn actor Kristopher Weston, which makes meme this next-level hilarious.


The one response is like “thumbs up! I’ll take that bet!”


But he survived lawn darts, so nothing to worry about.


He’s got COVID. He’s complaining about how much it sucks. He can’t even get a glass of water! Struggling to open a bag of apples, all alone, no companion to help. I want to feel sorry for him, I almost do! But then he keeps shit-posting bullshit anti-vaxx memes.

Like, what the hell is this one about? What public service is the meme talking about? Restaurants and concerts aren’t public services. Those are all private facilities. Are they talking about hospitals? Because they’re the ones that refuse to nationalize our health care system.


OMG, he reached back, reposted this same stupid meme, in order to say that no matter how much having COVID was, he still wasn’t afraid. Because of Clackers.

And really, he should’ve been, because THREE DAYS LATER:


That restaurant will no longer have his patronage. Turns out vaccinating would’ve been better for business.

He no longer has to pay those taxes.

He certainly doesn’t have to pay off his bets.

And Joe Biden no longer has to be impatient with his refusal to vaccinate.

Being afraid would’ve meant precautions like vaccination and mask. It would’ve meant taking that positive covid test result seriously and getting monoclonal antibodies. (Though he did get tested in the ER, they must’ve sent him home because of lack of beds.)

Instead, he believed all the anti-vaxxer propaganda, that it was “just the flu” (ignoring their memes that scream about the 40,000 people who die from the flu each year), and that surviving lawn darts somehow gave him extra immunity powers.

It didn’t.