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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: There's no logic in vaccinating, other than the 'save your life' part


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Let’s call today’s cautionary tale “Red, and how she killed her dad.”


My god, so much misinformation crammed into a single meme. Deadly efficiency.

And we already know how none of this even matters to the anti-vaxxers. “The vaccines are experimental!” But they didn’t care when the vaccines were formally approved. They just moved the goalposts. Because “5 billion people have been vaccinated with vanishingly few side effects” really should end the debate.

But it won’t. Ever.


They live in perpetual fear (immigrants! Critical race theory! Cancel culture! Black rioters! Guns for personal protection!). Finally, something shows up that actually warrants real fear, and suddenly they want to “prioritize life”.

Well, COVID doesn’t care about their priorities.


Conservative “humor” is always just racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other hateful insults.


Remember when first lady Michelle Obama launched a healthy eating and exercise campaign, and conservatives lost their minds over it? They do love their Medicaid-funded mobility scooters, though.

Also, that’s a Diet Coke.


OMG, he’s not just “fighting everyone and everything” because he’s just a gruff scamp. He’s being tortured. Having one of these shoved down your throat is brutal:


Having one of those shoved down your throat is so brutal, that they literally paralyze the patient to prevent them from trying to tear it out.

I’ve got to go back to that first meme, the one where Red claimed “made no sense” to vaccinate, because of a long laundry list of mis- and disinformation.

Was “being intubated and then paralyzed to deal with the torturous discomfort and pain” one of the bullet points?


“He fought the vent all day long.”

I don’t know if I can say “he’s being tortured” enough.

He’s being tortured.

And the only way to allow that torture is to paralyze you, so you don’t try to rip it out.


My reaction was “oh thank god!” Not because I’m happy Red’s father died, but because I couldn’t imagine a worse fate than the torture he was enduring. Death had to have been a relief. I’m happy he’s no longer struggling or hurting. I’d be happier if he had been vaccinated and had never used up a hospital bed and crushed this family, but unfortunately, us liberals can’t compete with ridiculous “transvaccinated” memes.


Nine days. Nine days of torture and hell, and the only relief was death.

Who the hell wants even the possibility of this happening? “You only have a 2% chance of being in the hospital with COVID!” Well, whatever that number is, even if it’s 0.01%, don’t you see what that hospital stay looks like? Even the survivors are like “I thought I was going to die every night!” Who wants that?

I don’t even want the flu. Not even the common cold. But that? With breathing and feeding tubes coming out of your body, maybe a dialysis machine, who knows what else? Who the hell looks at the odds of that misery and hell, and thinks “eh, not going to be afraid.” Holy shit for the love of god, be afraid!

Even survival can be a hellscape of chronic ailments and financial ruin. All because they refuse to take a life-saving free jab.

Did you notice how Red never writes the words “COVID”? She says her mom “is also positive,” but never mentions with what. She has no problem shit-posting about COVID, by name, but then refuses to name it when it directly affects multiple members of her family and eventually kills her father.

And so they don’t learn. Their friends and family can pretend that he died of “pneumonia,” sanitizing the real reason for this unnecessary, willful death, while having to wait weeks to wail about it publicly because Facebook put her on a time-out for distributing lies.

Anyway, that was Oct. 3, when her world flipped upside down from losing her daddy. Here’s what she was posting on Oct. 5:



It doesn’t stop, which is why this pandemic will keep on going.