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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: This Poindexter here thought he was too intellectual for the pandemic


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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit, tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale thought he was so smart.


Panicked gas station lady had the right idea.

These “I don’t live my life in fear” assholes are so full of shit. Their media consumption is literally Fox News, et al, screaming about CRITICAL RACE THEORY and HONDURAN CARAVANS and CANCEL CULTURE and ANTIFA. They hoard guns precisely because they live in fear. They literally call themselves “God-fearing.”

But here, finally, there’s something to fear for real, because, you know, it’s killed 800,000 Americans and millions worldwide, and is mutating to spread even more aggressively. And they suddenly think they’re lions who are unafraid to “live life.”

Meanwhile, Georgia has the eighth-highest per capita COVID death rate in the country, precisely because it’s full of asshats like these, who laugh at a woman trying to keep herself and her child from catching a deadly pathogen.


He does some math: “Health insurance is expensive, therefore, I won’t have it.”

Except … he doesn’t really do math. Insurance doesn’t exist for the times everything is going well. It exists for when they don’t. Your car is wrecked. The house burns down. Or, you get cancer, or there’s some other unforeseen medical emergency.

Heck, it even works for foreseen and avoidable medical emergencies, like COVID!


Ah yes, so intellectual. Why, he was doing his own research (bet you won’t post that!) and saw a made-up statistic that 99.2% of people survive COVID. Why, intellectually, would anyone worry about such odds?

Of course, let’s not be too intellectual about it. There are 45,000 commercial flights every day. If 0.8% of them crashed, that would be 360 plane crashes. Would you get on a plane? Some “research” claims the odds are 99.8%! How many planes would that be? Not many, right? That would be 90. NINETY!

My “intellect” would tell me stay the fuck off of airplanes. And similarly, even if those were the real odds, it would tell me, do whatever you can not to catch COVID.


Marvel at his genius intellect, everyone.


Honestly not sure what sorting he used to get this supposed result. “Recent human expirations at 7” is not a column, no matter what code he thinks he’s using to oh-so-cleverly avoid the Facebook COVID badge.

The reality is that the United States is first in reported cases and infections, and first in total deaths. In recent months, the U.S. dropped in per capita deaths, down to a current 20th place, as Eastern European countries with poor vaccination adoption have skyrocketed up the list. But 20th out of 224 countries is still nothing to brag about.

This next screenshot is hard to read, so a transcript is included below it.



[update from wife] overall, yesterday was a good day [redacted] got himself dressed in shorts and a t-shirt with OT. He tolerated his first use of the tilt table very well in PT. We practiced breathing exercises. However, the pulmonologist came to tell me that [redacted] CO2 levels are impermissibly high and Sunday night, they returned[redacted] to the ventilator overnight. They added new meds to help lower the CO2, he may have to be on a ventilator at night for the rest of his life...which means not weaning from the tracheostomy. [redacted] was upset. I spoke to the intensivist about changing and reducing some of [redacted’s] other medications to help with his sleepiness and I spoke with all the staff about doing breathing exercises. I am fighting a fear of the unknown, but recently, in prayer, God told me that [redacted] would fail again but then he would succeed at weaning off the ventilator. I believe in God's promises. I don't believe in coincidences. I received support and encouragement from three people yesterday, none of whom knew what a tough day it had been. Keep praying for us, friends. Remind God of His promise--that [redacted] would fail again and then succeed at weaning off the ventilator. Uplift [redacted] and pray that his strength and energy continues to increase. Pray that his team continues to make the best decisions possible and to be guided by faith.

Holy crap, Mr. I’m Too Smart To Get Health Insurance is now facing a lifetime of needing a machine to help him breathe. For someone who had bragged about rationally skipping health insurance to save a grand, he likely faces an existing hospital bill in excess of $1 million, not to mention a lifetime of medical ailments.

I still can’t get over it: He needs a tube in his neck to breathe at night for the rest of his life. This isn’t a horror captured in any of the statistics we regularly track. How many long-haul COVID sufferers are there? Who knows. But I’m not going to lie—that scares me more than simply dying. The burden on family and friends, the loss of independence (yeah, where’s that “FREEDOM” now?), the frightful medical expenses, the devastating quality of life. Dying isn’t the only way COVID can mess one up, and it might not even be the worst.

“Probably the most important practical application of intellect is the proper evaluation of risk,” he wrote, and it turns out he was right.