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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: Weird how sh*tposting while infected doesn't cure COVID


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Today’s cautionary tale is Aaron.


Let’s make sure Aaron is properly credentialed.


That was easy.


HA HA HA HA HA HA because sunburn is contagious.

As an aside, do these people want to get sunburned? Is it fun? Is increased risk of skin cancer wonderful? No? THAT’S why people wear sunscreen.

Is being sick with the flu fun? Are the chances of hospitalization or death a hoot? No? THAT’S why we take the flu shot.

Even if COVID was “just like the flu,” why would you want to suffer that kind of misery? Even if you were a conservative asshole who didn’t give two shits about anyone else but yourself … wouldn’t you care enough about yourself to do everything to prevent suffering an illness?


“Bronchitis.” With the scare quotes.

As we’ll see in a bit, both his mother and another family member are also symptomatic. Who knew “bronchitis” was so transmissible!

Aaron knows he’s full of shit, but doesn’t want to admit what he really has.


He’s symptomatic for COVID. At the very least, he has to know COVID is a real possibility. His response? To post imaginary fantasy conservative fan fic.

Real life boss where these people live? “Okay, you’re fired. And lucky for me, you voted in Republicans who made sure that employees have no rights in the workplace, so there’s nothing you can do about it!”


Aaron doesn’t need to read the Constitution. He “did his research” by posting a meme about it.

Of course, he’s home laid up from “bronchitis,” so he’s not in the best shape to enjoy any “freedom” at the moment.


Is Texas the place where citizens have been empowered to snitch on each other for doing things the state doesn’t like?



To make sure I don’t stop breathing in my sleep. If you ever find yourself thinking, “I am so sick that I hope I don’t stop breathing in my sleep,” please for the love of all that is holy, get yourself to a hospital!


He is so sick that he is begging friends for a home nurse to make sure he doesn’t die in his sleep. But sure, give the middle finger to the thing that might’ve prevented it all.


Asshole behavior that puts others at risk is selfish. That’s the point of society and its laws. Or does he demand the “freedom” to run red lights and stop signs? Murder his annoying neighbors? Society constrains assholes who think their own ‘freedom” trumps that of everyone else’s.

Aaron wants “freedom” from masks and vaccines, yet here he is on Facebook begging friends to surrender their hard-earned money for a nurse to take care of him. It’s one thing to be selfish if you sit alone at home and suffer, but he’s now dragging other people into his misery. And no one needs that shit.


Come on, it’s just “bronchitis”!


Did he really think that shit-talking COVID was going to make his infection magically disappear?

But this is interesting, and a fascinating look at the right-wing Facebook propaganda machine. Meet Dr. Adam Aneevit. He’s a doctor from Melbourne. Er, Iowa. Or is it Dublin? His headshot is artificial-intelligence-generated from ThisPersonDoesNot exist. There is no record this person exists, because clearly he’s part of a Russian or Chinese or MAGA disinformation campaign. And he has over 13,000 followers on Twitter.


His mother and another family member (her husband?) are infected. The vaccinated ones are sick, sure, but home and resting. The unvaxxed one is in the hospital with damaged lungs. Even if he survives this, and his odds are poor, he’ll suffer from permanent damage. He couldn’t afford someone to come help him at home, so odds are good he won’t be able to afford the mountain of medical debt in his immediate future. Or his diminished earnings capacity from disability. What are the odds he even has medical insurance?

Just a day before he’s rushed to the hospital, he posts a meme saying that it’s not the job of the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated. He has an elderly, high-risk mom at home. But hey, looking out for her safety would be an infringement on his freedom, ergo not selfish. Except I can’t fathom anything more selfish.

How much do you want to bet that he’s the one who infected her. Who wishes this kind of misery on their loved ones? I would be mortified if my irresponsible actions caused any of my friends or family to come down with the common cold, much less “heavy cough, pain in every joint and muscle, bad cough, headache, congestion, fever.”

But Aaron didn’t care. He mocked the idea of bearing any responsibility for the health and safety of others—from the ridiculous sunscreen meme, to the fake Dr Adam tweet—and yet when he himself was stricken, he was left begging others to come to his rescue.