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Anti-vaxx Chronicles: When racist COVID deniers have to face the consequences of their idiocy


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Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.

Today’s cautionary tale doesn’t want to blame herself for her fiancé’s death.

We first meet today’s protagonist crying about Black Lives Matter on her social media feed, which is terrible because of all the Black babies being aborted, and something about Black people with guns.


White conservatives “debating” Black Lives Matter are … interesting.


Wake up guys, think critically that COVID is fake and Trump won in 2020 and they just want to control you for your freedom of thought!

The MAGA cult needs the illusion of objectivity and critical thinking since no one likes to think of themselves as lemmings.


Well, that was persuasive!


Also Mark Twain:

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”

Imagine thinking that meme quote, Mark Twain himself, would support their narrow-minded ignorant worldview!



Apparently, Q is in the house.


This is her fiancé in the hospital.


He didn’t even survive the intubation process.


“When we are presented with information that doesn’t make sense to us, we must ask why that information is true, and find further information.”

Let’s see, she claimed the COVID pandemic was a “plandemic,” claimed only child predators and their friends should wear masks, was anti-lockdowns, and claimed that challenging common-sense pandemic precautions was being a “free thinker.”

So yeah, she likely had a role in her fiancé’s death. Sucks, but that’s what happens when you thumb your nose at public health authorities and the medical and scientific establishments.



Holy shit, she kills off her fiancé, and people aren’t even allowed to say they miss him, because it doesn’t make her feel better. “My life is the most ruined.” Wow. I bet her fiancé would disagree with that.

There was a GoFundMe, of course:

[Woman] and her beloved fiancé of 2 1/2 years [FIANCE] battled symptoms of respiratory illness that aggressively worsened. He was admitted to the hospital for double pneumonia where he remained mostly unchanged until taking a turn for the worse on 09/23 and placed in I.C.U. for possible intubation. [OP] was able to visit with him on the morning of 09/25 intubation was scheduled for this time as well. Due to complications this procedure was unsuccessful and [FIANCE] passed away during surgery. [OP] has been left shocked, devastated, heart broken and at complete loss without her soul mate. She is however now also forced to attempt to handle the stress and financial hardship of moving, relocating, travel expenses, property storage costs, and taking care of the surprise expenses related to a major life change. Since she was not married she is not entitled to any benefits, luckily he did have insurance that will cover funeral services. Please help assist her in relieving some of this financial stress so she has the ability grieve and focus on figuring out her new reality as a widow. Thank you in advance ANY AND EVERYTHING is APPRECIATED including prays and thoughts

They didn’t have COVID y’all! Just “symptoms of respiratory illness.” Can’t admit that a year of “plandemic” and anti-mask shit-posting was, eh, not so wise. Her fiancé ended up in the hospital with “double pneumonia,” not COVID, and died of “complications” during surgery, not COVID.

Now, she must handle the financial consequences of a serious COVID illness and death, and wants other people to pick up the tab while she “figures out the new reality as a widow,” which she’s not, because she wasn’t married.

Yeah yeah, I know I’m being more callous than usual, but this one is truly obnoxious. If you really care about your loved ones as much as she claims, why wouldn’t you do everything possible to keep them healthy, especially during a global pandemic? Yes, I know Facebook has culpability, and I hard on that to a great extent, but I have more sympathy for the quietly duped, than the obnoxious ones who think they know better, claiming they are “free” and “critical thinking” while they get their information from Facebook memes and out-of-context headlines. Then, they arrogantly judge those actually processing reality accurately as “sheeple,” when if it was up to us, her fiancé would be alive today.

This one went a step further, prohibiting anyone else from grieving over the poor, deluded, misinformed, and misled sap. Only her grief matters, but please, if you’d be so kind, figure out how to rationalize away her culpability in his death.

Actions have consequences. This consequence sucks. Yes. That’s why we’re trying to make these stories obsolete. I’m sick of them. You’re sick of them. We’re all ready to get back to normal, and none of that will happen until assholes like her get vaccinated. And yet, after everything that happened to her and her partner, she still won’t admit COVID’s role.

It’s enough to tear one’s hair out.