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Are You In A 'Permacrisis'? Here Are The Tell-Tale Signs


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Stuck in a never-ending state of stress? Feel particularly insecure lately? Here's how to cope, according to experts.
Stuck in a never-ending state of stress? Feel particularly insecure lately? Here's how to cope, according to experts.

Collins Dictionary named “permacrisis” the word of the year for 2022. In short, it means “an extended period of instability and insecurity.”

After all we’ve gone through this year — Covid variants, the war in Ukraine and more — you probably find that definition relatable. You may have experienced hopelessness, anxiety, loneliness, grief and a host of other tough emotions over the last 12 months.

Even one of those traumas is a lot to handle, let alone multiple. In case you need help juggling everything, experts explained more about this phenomenon and how to cope.

What a permacrisis looks like

Our brains were designed to notice any sign of danger, whether that be physical, emotional or social. And our reaction is where the common term “fight or flight” (which also includes “fawn” and “freeze”) comes in. The continuation of that response can lead to a permacrisis.

“With issues of permacrisis, your body is constantly engaging your alarm systems, pumping your body full of the necessary hormones to respond to threat with very little to no reprieve,” says Tyler Keith, a licensed clinical social worker from Thriveworks in Wilmington, North Carolina, who specialises in anxiety, trauma and PTSD. “As a result, your body begins to develop wear and tear, like that of a car with high mileage.”

This can lead to a slew of symptoms. He mentioned high blood pressure, sleeping too little or too much, muscle tension, fidgeting, brain fog, feeling emotionally numb, exhaustion, endlessly scrolling social media, not enjoying hobbies and relationships as much as you used to, and more.

You may also find yourself quiet quitting, “which translates to stepping away from work responsibilities and seeking ‘quality of life pursuits,’” says Courtney Strull, a therapist with The Montfort Group in Dallas, Texas. “Covidhttps://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/news/coronavirus/, in many ways, was the start of this, as it made people realize that we need better work/life balance.”

While it’s generally best to be proactive about maintaining your mental health, is there a point when a permacrisis is an issue you’re struggling with and need to address intentionally? Keith says yes, describing it as experiencing symptoms “more frequently than not over the duration of a month.”

Otherwise, your mental and physical health could deteriorate more, decreasing life satisfaction and potentially leading to suicidal thoughts.

Can you experience a permacrisis if your life is going just fine?

You may relate to those symptoms but wonder why. Maybe your family is healthy, you’re not living in the midst of a war and you have a stable job. Or maybe there are other positive aspects of your life you’re thankful for... and you’re still struggling.

One potential cause is you’re experiencing a different kind of trauma or stress. “Permacrisis may lead to what is known as secondary traumatic stress: the indirect trauma that can occur when we are exposed to difficult or disturbing images and stories secondhand,” says Christine Coleman, a licensed psychotherapist, speaker, consultant and executive coach specialising in the intersection of mental health and diversity, equity and inclusion.

Collective trauma, which deals with trauma our entire society is affected by, is another possible option, she added.

Regardless, give yourself compassion and understanding. It’s important to validate that it’s OK to struggle even when your life has improved, or when it’s better than some other people’s, or when some would say the pandemic is “over.” Emotions don’t always make perfect sense, but judging them isn’t helpful.

Seeing a mental health professional is just one of several ways you can cope if you're dealing with a permacrisis.
Seeing a mental health professional is just one of several ways you can cope if you're dealing with a permacrisis.

Tips for coping with a permacrisis

So you know it’s time to work on your wellbeing, but here’s the dilemma: many of the issues contributing to a permacrisis — chronic health conditions, sick family members, recessions, political unrest and more — are, unfortunately, out of your control. What can you do?

Keith suggests focusing on managing your response to those things while holding onto hope. “Inevitably, time will pass and these conditions will change or you will acquire the skills and/or resources to address their impact on your mental health,” he says.

Here are some of those skills and resources.

1) Build and maintain your social network

Whether you turn to family, friends, your community or another group, don’t neglect your relationships. “Finding spaces where you are offered validation and empathy can be extremely affirming to give you space to deal with expressing your challenges in a healthy manner,” Keith says. “Make sure you build relationships that exercise healthy boundaries and respect during these times.”

And remember, while it’s crucial to have people you can turn to when you feel upset, it’s a good idea to do fun things with these loved ones, too. Plan activities and outings. Send each other memes or do whatever else you connect over and enjoy.

2) Do the opposite of what you want to do

You know those days when you want to just lie in bed alone, but you know you should do something with people? While it’s OK (and good!) to engage in the former at times, challenge yourself to step out of that, too.

“Another common tip I provide is to do the opposite of what we feel like doing,” Coleman says. “This often helps when all we want to do is doomscroll, for example, but what we really should do is take a break and go outside or dance in our room for 10 minutes.” This can help you be more present, she explained.

This is a dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT, skill called “opposite action,” which helps people respond to emotions in more helpful ways.

3) Take care of your physical health and hygiene

Ah yes, we’re talking about the little (and sometimes annoying) things that add up and make a big difference, such as eating regularly, sleeping enough, moving your body in ways you enjoy, brushing your teeth, doing laundry, practising deep breathing – all that stuff.

“Taking care of your physical health is the first step of taking care of your mental health during long-term periods of stress that are out of your control,” Keith says.

4) Limit negativity as much as possible

As hard as it can be, you may need to turn off news notifications and unfollow toxic social media accounts ― or at least put your phone down more often. “Limit exposure to the information [and] think about how much is sensible,” says Jenna Vyas-Lee, a clinical psychologist and co-founder ofKove, a mental health care platform in London. “Watching the news all day is not necessary and is likely to reinforce the negative messaging you’re receiving.”

Studies back this advice. “Research indicates that individuals susceptible to anxiety tend to report increased levels of anxiety amidst increased usage of social media and news,” Strull says.

But what about negative input that’s hard to avoid, like a sick parent or grandparent you need to take care of? Don’t be afraid to reach out for help — for yourself and for them — and try to incorporate more fun activities and relaxation in your schedule when you can.

5) Try new hobbies and relaxation methods

On that note, what can you look forward to at the end of the day? “Dive into new hobbies and/or interests to try, and develop varying ways to engage in leisure, fun and self-expression,” Keith says. “These activities help provide brief escapes.”

Examples might include word searches, getting crafty, reading in a bubble bath, writing cards, trying a sport, ice skating, visiting a new coffee shop, practicing yoga or something entirely different.

6) Make a difference

Here comes another dialectical behaviour therapy practice: contributing, one of the Cs in the ACCEPTS skill set, which lays out strategies for coping with difficult emotions. In other words, get proactive about helping others.

“Join or start a movement to help those directly affected by tragedy,” Coleman says. “Create awareness about the issues that speak powerfully to you.” Besides raising awareness, you can donate to organizations and vote, as a start.

7) Work with a therapist or similar professional

“Last but not least, it is highly recommended that you seek professional support,” Keith says. “With many different platforms and approaches, take some time to figure out what financially works for you in exploring even short-term treatment.”

And ultimately, it all comes down to self-care. Vyas-Lee encourages thinking “ACE”: achieve, connect, enjoy. “Engage in helpful, self-caring, adaptive, outward-looking behaviour,” she says.

Help and support:​

  • Mind, open Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm on 0300 123 3393.
  • Samaritans offers a listening service which is open 24 hours a day, on 116 123 (UK and ROI - this number is FREE to call and will not appear on your phone bill).
  • CALM (the Campaign Against Living Miserably) offer a helpline open 5pm-midnight, 365 days a year, on 0800 58 58 58, and a webchat service.
  • The Mix is a free support service for people under 25. Call 0808 808 4994 or email help@themix.org.uk
  • Rethink Mental Illness offers practical help through its advice line which can be reached on 0808 801 0525 (Monday to Friday 10am-4pm). More info can be found on rethink.org.

