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Brioche Buns Have Been Cancelled By The Bap Brigade (Again)


Active member
Are you a brioche stan, or do you adore a humble bap? That’s the debate kicking off on Twitter after one user, named Jennifer, let rip at burgers served in brioche buns. Jennifer asked restauranteurs to stop selling brioche buns on the basis that “nobody likes them.”

Jennifer, is has been pointed out, is wrong. Very wrong.

restaurateurs.... Please, please STOP selling us burgers in brioche buns. STOP. Nobody likes them. I mean nobody. I've never met anyone who said, "oh I love a good brioche" ?Just give us a good roll/bap/barm whatever your region calls it ??‍♀️

— Jennifer ???????❤?? (@JacobiteJen) June 21, 2021

Hundreds of people have weighed in to give their backing to brioche buns, sharing tips, pictures and even recipes to convert the naysayers.

Eh…. I quite like a wee brioche bun

— Audrey Gilmour (@gilmour_audrey) June 21, 2021

Restaurants do not listen we love a brioche bun!
"Oh I love a good brioche!"
Nothing worse than those tasteless bugger buns of pappy white bread, yuk.

— Paul Atkins? #FBPE (@pauledgcott) June 22, 2021

I love brioche buns, I have them at home lightly toasted with lots of butter, crispy bacon and ketchup. ?

— Gerri Howarth #ToriesOut #FBIW? (@GerriisalsoGigi) June 22, 2021

I used to hate them, but load them up with salty beef and bacon, cheese and other fried wholesome goodness, squash ‘em tight and they ain’t so bad…forgive the 80’s plate and bite marks, I wasn’t expecting this to go public ? pic.twitter.com/6GJqkLxZKk

— Terry McElvaney (@TerryMcElvaney) June 21, 2021

But Jennifer’s tweet has gained more than 4,500 likes from the other side, with plenty of people agreeing with her that the buns have to go.

Whatever happened to good old fashioned crusty buns with sesame seeds on top?
Or crunchy baguettes?
Especially banh mi.

Save the brioche for dessert.
With raisins & cinnamon

— The Emerald Serpent? (@Izmeina666) June 22, 2021

There has never been a burger that was improved by a brioche bun, ever, nor will there ever be one.
I find the increases in sugar in everything to be increasingly unpalatable, not to mention worrying.

— ?‍☠️ Article_50 #FBPE ?‍☠️? (@Article5014) June 22, 2021

Here we go again, the replies, divided Britain. For my tastebuds brioche belongs in a dessert (lemon brioche, brioche & butter pudding, lashings of custard); burgers should be savoury (think relish, lettuce, cheese, gherkins), I don’t want the bun to be the main attraction.

— MikeP (@UK_Optimist) June 22, 2021

Brioche is cake, not bread.
You may as well serve a burger in a Victoria Sponge (please don’t Hoxton).

— Is anybody there? (@gudnameztaken) June 22, 2021

Agreed. Brioche burgers are like putting pineapple on pizza, which is also an abomination. I will entertain no further debate on this matter. https://t.co/427OalfZd3

— Georgia Lewis (@georgialewis76) June 22, 2021

And while we’re hear, some people are coming after rocket, too.

Its like lettuce in salads, its always that fuckin rocket crap that a horse would have trouble chewing. Gold old iceberg lettuce not fashionable enough for the catering industry.

— WhatsInAName (@Indy2TheReturn) June 21, 2021

Brioche buns are the job. Though there are real crimes in the burger world. 1. Rocket, lettuce should be for badly needed crunch only. 2. Bracing, a shoving a stick through a burger. If it's going to fall apart on the way to the table then it's too big to each comfortably.

— Johnny Fox (@Johnny__Fox) June 22, 2021

It’s not the first time the great brioche debate has hit social media and it probably won’t be the last.

Restauranteurs, if you’re reading this, maybe just give people a choice?

