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Cabinet Reshuffle: Who's In And Who's Out?


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<strong>Newly-appointed foreign secretary Liz Truss.</strong>

Prime minister Boris Johnson rearranged those at the top of government on Wednesday.

After completing his moves, the PM said: “The cabinet I have appointed today will work tirelessly to unite and level up the whole country.

“We will build back better from the pandemic and deliver on your priorities. Now let’s get on with the job.”

Here’s a breakdown of who’s in – and who’s now out.

Foreign secretary

Out: Dominic Raab

In: Liz Truss

In the biggest move, Dominic Raab has been kicked out of his role as foreign secretary after two years in the job. In recent weeks, he has been widely accused of mishandling the Afghanistan crisis and going on a family holiday as the Taliban took hold of the country.

Reporters on the ground believed he was pushing back against a demotion, and he has been appointed as the new justice secretary, lord chancellor and deputy prime minister.

Johnson’s administration did not have a deputy prime minister until now (though Raab previously held the role on a de facto basis).

The BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg tweeted: “No 10 keen for this not to be seen as demotion after Afghanistan – Raab gets Deputy PM title too, sources emphasising his experience as [a] lawyer.”

Liz Truss, international trade secretary, has been announced as Raab’s replacement. She is expected to keep her other role as women and equality’s minister.

Dominic Raab confirmed as Justice Secretary, Lord Chancellor and Deputy Prime Minister - first Cabinet appointment

— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) September 15, 2021

Two of the great offices of state are now held by women after Truss was promoted and Priti Patel kept her role of home secretary despite speculation she would be sacked.

Truss has been rewarded after being seen to have made a success of her international trade secretary post.

While the government faced tough headlines about deadlock in the negotiations with the European Union during the Brexit transition period, the South West Norfolk MP made steady work of rolling over a host of trade deals for the UK, ensuring the terms agreed while an EU member were ready to continue after exiting the bloc.

Education secretary

Out: Gavin Williamson

In: Nadhim Zahawi

Gavin Williamson
has been sacked as education secretary after a controversial run.

He faced extensive criticism for his handling of A-level and GCSE exams throughout the pandemic, while his public appearances often triggered widespread ridicule online.

Only last week, the 45-year-old MP for South Staffordshire faced further criticism after he said he had met footballer Marcus Rashford online – when he had instead talked to rugby player Maro Itoje.

Williamson tweeted that it had been a “privilege” to serve in the role since 2019, and that he is proud of his work.

Nadhim Zahawi, minister for business and industry since 2019 and vaccines minister since 2020, is set to take Williamson’s old role. He oversaw the successful national rollout of the Covid jabs.

Zahawi previously served as children and families minister in the Department for Education from January 2018 to July 2019.

It has been a privilege to serve as Education Secretary since 2019. Despite the challenges of the global pandemic, I’m particularly proud of the transformational reforms I’ve led in Post 16 education: in further education colleges, our Skills agenda, apprenticeships and more.

— Gavin Williamson (@GavinWilliamson) September 15, 2021

Justice secretary

Out: Robert Buckland

In: Dominic Raab

Robert Buckland
was fired as lord chancellor and justice secretary after two years on the job. He was a prominent supporter for the Remain campaign leading up the EU referendum. He previously served as prisons minister and was particularly popular with Labour MPs during his time on the front benches.

It has been an honour to serve in Government for the last 7 years, and as the Lord Chancellor for the last 2.

I am deeply proud of everything I have achieved. On to the next adventure

— Robert Buckland (@RobertBuckland) September 15, 2021

Dominic Raab is set to be Buckland’s replacement as justice secretary, and lord chancellor.

Buckland’s tenure will likely be marked by his determination to protect women and girls from sexual violence, but also major concerns over the state of the justice system on his watch.

Housing, communities and local government secretary

Out: Robert Jenrick

In: Michael Gove

Robert Jenrick
was kicked out of the ministry for housing, communities and local government.

It’s been a huge privilege to serve as Secretary of State @mhclg. Thank you to everyone at the department for their hard work, dedication and friendship. I’m deeply proud of all we achieved.

I will continue to support the Prime Minister and the Government in every way I can.

— Robert Jenrick (@RobertJenrick) September 15, 2021

Michael Gove is set to be Jenrick’s replacement, having served as the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster since July 2019. Gove’s role as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster has been filled by Steve Barclay, who had been chief secretary to the Treasury.

The axe fell on Jenrick after a string of high-profile and damaging accusations, including the unlawful approval of a Tory donor’s housing development and his eyebrow-raising journeys during lockdown.

The PM has tasked Gove – his one-time saboteur – with taking on responsibility for his flagship “levelling up” agenda, the housing crisis and pushing through planning reforms that are a highly contentious point among Tory backbenchers.

Downing Street said he would also retain responsibility for the Union, another major role with Nicola Sturgeon fighting for Scottish independence.

Co-chair of the Conservative Party

Out: Amanda Milling

In: Oliver Dowden

Amanda Milling
has been kicked out of her role as co-chair of the Conservative Party. This is a role mainly overseeing the administration of the Tory party which Milling was in from February 2020.

Oliver Dowden will be taking over from Milling, having served as the culture secretary since 2020.

It’s been a privilege and an honour to be the Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party.

Thank you to the voluntary party and the team at CCHQ for their support.

Thank you to @BorisJohnson for this opportunity. I will continue working to deliver on our plans to level up the UK.

— Amanda Milling (@amandamilling) September 15, 2021

International trade secretary

Out: Liz Truss

In: Anne-Marie Trevelyan

Liz Truss
has been promoted to a more senior role of foreign secretary after her successful stint as the international trade secretary from 2019.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, a junior business minister, has been appointed a her replacement. “Trade it is”, confirming her new cabinet role, she said as she left Number 10.

Digital, culture, media and sport secretary

Out: Oliver Dowden

In: Nadine Dorries

<strong>Newly-appointed culture secretary Nadine Dorries.</strong>

Oliver Dowden has been moved out of his role as culture secretary and put in as the co-chair of the Conservative Party. He hit the headlines over the last year for criticising the “noisy woke brigade” repeatedly in his role, seeking the privatisation of Channel 4 and the odd gaffe.

Nadine Dorries has been confirmed as Dowden’s replacement, having been a the minister for mental health, suicide prevention and patient safety since 2019. She has made provocative comments about the arts – including criticising the BBC for favouring “strident, very left wing, often hypocritical and frequently patronising views that turn people away”.

Other departments​

The rest of the Cabinet – from chancellor Rishi Sunak and health secretary Sajid Javid to transport secretary Grant Shapps and Defra’s George Eustice – kept their jobs.

