A cartoon by Brian McFadden
This cartoon is too wordy for alt-text, so I put a full transcription after the break.
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Transcription of comic:
This cartoon is too wordy for alt-text, so I put a full transcription after the break.
Follow me on Mastodon, Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or at my website.
Transcription of comic:
(panel 1 - Title in the style of the Trump/Vance logo.) Leaked Emails from the Trump Campaign (panel 2 - An email from Roger Stone.) Subject: HACKED! From: Roger Stone Hey man, I clicked a link for Nixon nudes (for research purposes only), but it turned out to be a phishing attack. Just a heads up. Whoops, Rog (panel 3 - An email from Kevin Sorbo.) Subject: RNC SPEAKING SLOT? From: Kevin Sorbo Mr. President, Why didn't I get a spot at the convention? I was more famous than Hulk Hogan for a few minutes in the '90s. No worries though! If you want, I can post a really racist tweet about your new opponent. Let me know. Kevin (panel 4 - An email from Stephen Cheung.) Subject: EPSTEIN'S PLANE From: Steven Cheung Boss, We've leased Epstein's plane while yours is in for repairs. I don't anticipate any bad press from this. Steven P.S. Because you've stiffed so many contractors, none will agree to get the Dershowitz stains out. (panel 5 - An email from J.D. Vance.) Subject: WRONG RALLY LOCATION? From: JD Vance Dear Sir, No one's here and there wasn't any advance work done. Please send me the correct location and I'll hop on a bus A.S.A.P. JD (panel 6 - An email from A.G. Sulzberger.) Subject: ALL GOOD From: A.G. Sulzberger President Trump, Don't worry. We're not going to make a whole thing about your emails because we want you to win. Maggie says hi. Dash