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Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Booster Shots FRIDAY!


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Late Night Snark

"Omicron has now been confirmed in twenty states, including Florida. Rest assured Governor DeSantis will do everything he can to make sure as many Floridians get infected as possible." —Jimmy Kimmel

“We’re still waiting to find out more about Omicron, but for now, it looks like if you’re fully vaccinated—and we’re so sorry to tell you this—it’s okay to see your family for the holidays.” —Samantha Bee


You are now below the fold. Please wassail responsibly.

"There's news about California Representative Devin Nunes. He's leaving Congress by the end of the year. But he won’t be out of a job, thanks to former president Dolt 45, because Nunes has been named CEO of the former president's new media company, despite having no prior experience working in the tech industry or as an executive. Instead, Nunes is a former dairy farmer. Well then, he's the perfect guy to make money off the old president, because he has experience milking things with leathery skin." —Stephen Colbert

"Seventeen people on a Norwegian cruise ship that docked in New Orleans have tested positive for covid. A company spokesman said, 'We're all concerned and pretending to be shocked by this disturbing news.'" —Jimmy Fallon

We all know these guys. pic.twitter.com/rlijObnA3x

— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) December 8, 2021

(Congrats to Sam Bee on her 200th episode of Full Frontal.)


“Tonight it is quite nice. Very nice to see the presidential box once again being occupied. And the same with the Oval Office.” —David Letterman on President Biden’s attendance at the Kennedy Center Honors, which the previous president snubbed

"Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced on Instagram that she has officially qualified for the upcoming Boston Marathon. But fair warning to the other runners: she loves holding things up at the finish line." —Seth Meyers

I’m converting to Judaism so I can be done with the holidays by December 6th. —Conan O'Brien via Twitter

And now, our feature presentation…


Cheers and Jeers for Friday, December 10, 2021

Arson charges pending after Jeanette and Isabella admit to bringing a torch to a duplex on Riverside Drive during a drinking binge. Film at 11.


By the Numbers:


8 days!!!

Days 'til Festivus: 13

Days 'til the Gaslamp Pet Parade in San Diego: 8

Support among Americans polled by Monmouth University who give a big thumbs-up to Joe Biden's infrastructure and Build Back Better programs, respectively: 66%, 61%

The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index, measuring consumer confidence, for December—a jump of 4.5 points and the highest level in a year: 48.4

Democrats and Republicans, respectively, polled by Gallup who had confidence in the accuracy of the medical advice they got from their doctor in 2002: 62%, 70%

Democrats and Republicans, respectively, polled by Gallup who had confidence in the accuracy of the medical advice they got from their doctor in 2021: 71%, 60%

Percent of adults, according to USA Today, who say they've had a holiday gathering ruined by a relative: 79%


Puppy Pic of the Day: Tis the season...


CHEERS to 18 laps around the blog track. December 10, 2003. A Wednesday. 7:33pm. Shrouded in the New England darkness, with only the constellation Orion to guide him, a newbie blogger, looking almost freakishly younger than his 39 years, clasps his mouse with trembling fingers and clicks the "Post" button. Suddenly the heavens above erupt in a frenzy of partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of flurries and a light breeze as the Daily Kos blog accepts his diary:

This is followed by two comments: Nevsky42 at 7:38 and Bob Johnson at 7:50. From that moment on, social media will never be the same, and in 2007 the Daily Kos community elects to put me on your collective—and full-time—payroll. If the holiday spirit moves you, you can still support C&J with a generous one-time or monthly contribution by clicking here for the various donation options and also a snail mail address.


EXCLUSIVE behind-the-scenes photo: a typical day at the C&J office.

Although it's been said many times, many ways: thank you again for reading and supporting my little pixelfied rag for eighteen years. It's an odd little bag of flaming poo. But, by god, it's our odd little bag of flaming poo.

CHEERS to filling a very large pair of sensible pumps. After 16 years and 16 days, the Merkel era came to a close this week as the SPD party's Olaf Scholz, not to be confused with Sgt. Schultz, which is a whole different can of strudel, became Germany’s new center-left chancellor. And what do we know about Herr Scholz, not to be confused with Charles Schulz who invented Peanuts? I dunno. I let Wikipedia investigate these things:

» Born in 1958 in Osnabruck, then-"West" Germany, which was always the Germany Mom liked best.

» Attended the University of Hamburg and became a lawyer


Fun fact: Scholz nearly won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2015 with his hit record, “While Meine Tuba Gently Weeps.” -

» He’s a lapsed Lutheran

» Served as First Mayor of Hamburg from 2011 to 2018 and was Deputy Leader of the Social Democratic Party from 2009 to 2019. Currently Vice Chancellor—aka Merkel's right-hand man—and also guy in charge of the country's balance sheets.

» Member of the Socialist Democratic Party (SPD), whose previous chancellors were Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, and Gerhardt Schroeder.

» Enjoys long walks in the biergarten with wife Britta, also a leader in the SPD.

His style has been referred to as "calm, measured, and steady." Good to know, said Poland.

CHEERS to the biggest star on the U.S. map. On Sunday’s date in 1800, Washington D.C. was established as the capital of the United States. During those early days, everyone—the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court—was packed into the north wing of the Capitol building like sardines. They later moved into their own spaces. Mostly, historians say, because the place was starting to smell like sardines.




Physics Student in the Rain pic.twitter.com/456voL01fh

— Amazing Physics (@amazing_physics) December 6, 2021




CHEERS to the Crossroads of America. Happy birthday tomorrow to the home of 6.7 million clean-cut, "basketball ring"-dunking patriots in the heartland.


Also in Indiana’s “plus” column: the first openly-gay presidential candidate from a major party to win a primary or caucus (Iowa), and current Secretary of Transportation, is a Hoosier.

On December 11, 1816, Indiana (or as we say in Maine: "Indianer") became our nation's 19th state. I grew up next door in Ohio, so naturally I'm legally obliged to look down my designer reading glasses at you "Hoosier types" because I’ve been indoctrinated to believe that your corn is inferior and you stole our state bird, the cardinal. (I still say the Buckeye State should build a big, beautiful border wall and make Kentucky pay for it.) But I'll give you this: any state that produces David Letterman (Indianapolis), Eugene V. Debs (Terre Haute), Kurt Vonnegut (also Indy), Larry Bird (West Baden Springs), Florence Henderson (Dale), and all these other VIPs can't be all bad. But we do have three somber words for the folks in Columbus, where Mike Pence cultivated his lifelong obsession with Puritanism as a lad: “Thoughts and prayers.”

CHEERS to home vegetation. Sure, the world's crumbling around us…but at least we've got the magic talking picture box to make things better, so cheer up, Bucky. The evening starts out the usual way, with Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow unwrapping the latest presents from the Bidenville and Pandemic Town. Or you can hear from 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones on PBS’s Washington Week at 8. Marvel Universe actors Tom Holland and Henry Cavill are among the guests on The Graham Norton Show at 11 (BBC America).


Tomorrow on “The Waltons’ Homecoming,” John Boy finally snaps.

The new movies and home videos are all reviewed here at Rotten Tomatoes. (To everyone’s surprise, Spielberg's re-imagining of the not-to-be-tampered-with classic West Side Story is getting boffo reviews.) The NFL schedule is here, the NBA schedule is here, and the NHL schedule is here.

Tomorrow night is Christmas night on the networks, with Richard Thomas now playing “Grandpa John Boy” on a new holiday edition of The Waltons (8 on The CW), Rudolph and Frosty on CBS, and a grisly murder-for hire sting operation on Dateline NBC, which isn’t technically a Christmas show, but they’ll have Christmas-themed commercials during it so it counts. Then Billie Eilish hosts SNL with musical guest—[checks notes]—Billie Eilish, who will also be in charge of—[checks notes again]—the cameras, costumes and cue cards.

On 60 Minutes: stories on the Hubble telescope, negotiations with the Taliban, and Newfoundland’s Fogo Island. And Steve Harvey gets another chance to mess up the winner of the Miss Universe bikini pageant Sunday night at 7 on Fox.

Now here's your Sunday morning lineup:

Face the Nation: Govs. Phil Murphy (D-NJ) and Chris Sununu (Cult-NH); Former National Security Council Senior Director for European & Russian Affairs Fiona Hill; former FDA poobah Scott Gottlieb; Director, Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation in South Africa Tulio de Oliveira; Allianz Chief Economic Adviser Mohamed El-Erian.

Meet the Press: TBA

CNN's State of the Union: Gov. Asa Hutchinson (Cult-AR); NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio (D).


All of the Sunday shows will interview the Republican Christmas tree in this Iowa diner about the murder of the Fox News Christmas tree by Nancy Pelosi and her deep state of Antifa liberals.

This Week: TBA

Fox GOP Talking Points Sunday: NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio; Sen. Lindsey Graham (Cult-SC).

Happy viewing!


Ten years ago in C&J: December 10, 2011

to spitballs from the sputterers. Two GOP presidential candidates have come out swinging as hard as they possibly can. Rick Santorum slammed President Obama for announcing the death of Osama bin Laden, and Rick Perry blasted Obama for letting gay people serve openly in the military and stealing Christmas from babies. As a result, they're now perfectly poised to ride their single-digit approval rating to the White House. Late-breaking Update: Oops, sorry. I meant White Castle.


And just one more…

to a peace-full moment. Congrats to this year's Nobel Peace Prize winners, Filipino American journalist Maria Ressa and Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov, two freedom-of-the-press titans who received their awards in Oslo, Norway:

In 2012, Ressa, 58, co-founded Rappler, a news website critical of the Philippine government. Muratov, 59, was one of the founders in 1993 of the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta.


Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov

“Yes, we growl and bite. Yes, we have sharp teeth and strong grip,” Muratov said of journalists. “But we are the prerequisite for progress. We are the antidote against tyranny.” [...]

Ressa also launched a vitriolic attack against American tech giants, accusing them of fuelling a flood of “toxic sludge” on social media that “has allowed a virus of lies to infect each of us, pitting us against each other, bringing out our fears, anger and hate, and setting the stage for the rise of authoritarians and dictators around the world”.

They received their Nobel Peace Prize on International Human Rights Day, which passed the usual way: plenty of humans but not enough rights.

Have a great weekend. Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today?
