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Chris Christie hits back at Trump, reminds him he's a colossal loser


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Well, well, well. Looks like someone has wandered away from the Branch Covidian compound, and Dear Leader is none too pleased. Somewhere between running against Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican presidential primary and using the jaws of life to nestle inside Trump’s sigmoid colon like an overgrown baby wallaby, Chris Christie lost his Happy Meal toy of a soul. Of course, after Christie endorsed Trump in what was itself a humiliating spectacle, Trump missed few opportunities to further debase Christie, whose spastic genuflecting didn’t even earn him an administration job—thanks to the overweening influence of sentient Axe spray nebula/Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.

But now Christie is once again on the outside looking in at the clown show, as he had the temerity to suggest the Republican Party should move past the 2020 election to focus on the future. Meaning, Donald Trump lost and he should just fucking get over it already.

Christie, a former Trump ally, made the remarks at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s conference in Las Vegas, during which he urged the GOP to present a “plan for tomorrow, not a grievance about yesterday.”

“Winning campaigns are always the campaigns that look forward, not backwards,” he said, warning that Republicans would pay a political price if they continue to dwell on the 2020 presidential election.

That’s a pretty bland statement, but judging by Trump’s reaction you’d think Christie had told him that Ivanka just isn’t that into him.

“Chris Christie, who just made a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas, was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud,” stable genius-man said in a statement. “Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating—a record low, and they didn’t want to hear this from him!”

Well, Christie is now counterpunching. In a teaser for a new interview with Axios’ Mike Allen, scheduled for Nov. 14 on HBO, Christie felt perfectly free to taunt Goofus. It was almost as if he wasn’t even afraid of him. Hmm. Watch:

YouTube Video

ALLEN: “You said that the elections for Republicans need to be about the future, not the grievances of the past. Donald Trump put out a statement saying you’d gotten absolutely massacred.”

CHRISTIE: “Well, look. I’ve made the conscious decision, Mike, that I want to spend my time combating the policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and trying to help Republicans win governorships and the House and the Senate in 2022. This is not an argument that I’ll walk away from.”

ALLEN: “And then he went for it. He said, ‘Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating.’ What do you make of him, like, saying you had a less than 9% approval rating?”

CHRISTIE: “Mike, look, I’m not going to get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump, but what I will say is this: When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60% of the vote. When he ran for reelection he lost to Joe Biden. I’m happy to have that comparison stand up, because that’s the one that really matters.”

Oh, snap. In other words, Trump is a bigger loser than Christie. And that’s saying something.

Of course, emancipation from the logorrheic mouth of Mar-a-Lago is available to all Republicans—and to all other Americans, for that matter. And unless you have an unnatural fear of unnecessary capitalization, there’s really no reason to worry about the big humid ape’s response. And yet he somehow still has most GOPsters by the short ones.

But not Christie. No more. Is this guy thinking of running for president again or something? Because that would be really entertaining.

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