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Connect! Unite! Act! Break out some popcorn for cult classics


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Connect! Unite! Act! is a weekly series that seeks to create face-to-face networks in each congressional district. Groups meet regularly to socialize, but also to get out the vote, support candidates and engage in other local political actions that help our progressive movement grow and exert influence on the powers that be. Visit us every week to see how you can get involved!

These months of the pandemic have left many of us missing a favorite pastime: a night at the movies. Films are often an under-appreciated part of our culture. They can tell us a lot about how the country felt about issues at a period of time, and serve as records of issues and events that resonated with the world. Some films create their own cultures, those cult favorites that take a long time and a small but dogged audience to eventually become mainstream. The entertainment industry is a significant part of the U.S. economy, spending roughly $44 BILLION a year (and growing) to employ people and help maintain local economies. This week on Connect! Unite! Act! I want to give us space to connect with one another over some cult classic films we love—and why we love them.

In the photo that leads this diary, you find one of my favorite cult films, Hal Ashby’s Harold & Maude. Featuring a fantastic soundtrack by Cat Stevens, the film has a very dark sensibility that embraces the zeal and the fleeting nature of life at the same time. It discusses uniqueness, and how in war, a lot of that uniqueness is lost, replaced instead by fields of gravestones. I’m always reminded of this scene:

YouTube Video

The film isn’t alone in cult classics that I enjoy and tell others they really should take the time to watch. Have you seen 1985’s Clue?

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Oh yes. And so many more. Some cult classics are now traditions in communities. Rocky Horror Picture Show? It was an unparalleled safe space for the LGBTQ community to celebrate the spectrum of gender identities. A Christmas Story rose from a box office “eh” to a home tradition for generations who know exactly who Ralphie is (and that he is definitely gonna shoot his eye out).

Take a minute. Breathe in. For just one second, think how fun the world can truly be and enjoy it in a cozy, dim space in your house. Watch a film that you miss. Tell us all about the cult classic film you find yourself rewatching. Even if it is Howard the Duck (which, P.S., I saw in the theater) or Johnny Nmemonic (another I caught in the theater). I promise, Connect! Unite! Act! is an (almost) completely judgment-free zone regarding film.

Movies at home are cheap, and community-building costs only time and connection. People are discovering that they are being priced out of a decent living, burdened with debt, and runaway billionaires in management are far more interested in fun jaunts to space than paying good wages to their employees. We can’t fix that in a weekend, but we can get together and enjoy the small, good things, like our favorite movies.


Our Connect! Unite! Act! team is here to provide support and guidance to new and existing volunteer leaders of each regional and state group, helping them with recruiting, organizing, and executing social and action events. We invite you to join in this effort to build our community. There are many ways to pitch in. If there isn't a group to join near you, please start one.



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