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COVID is the leading cop killer the past two years, and this story hints at why


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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit, tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale is a deplorable policeman.

Some background:

Last year was the deadliest for active-duty law enforcement in nearly a century, with COVID-19 identified as the leading cause of death for the second year in a row.

Some 458 local, state, tribal and federal officers died in the line of duty in 2021, according to a preliminary report from the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum (NLEOMF). That makes an increase of 55% from the previous year's tally of 295 and the highest total number since 1930.

"This year's statistics demonstrate that America's front-line law enforcement officers continue to battle the deadly effects of the Covid-19 pandemic nationwide," the report reads. "Preliminary data shows that some 301 officer fatalities have been identified as caused by Covid this year, and this number appears to increase almost daily."

1930 was what, Prohibition? So COVID surpassed the carnage caused by Al Capone and colleagues? And how does the police union respond? Is it fighting to protect the health and safety and lives of its members? Of course not, because it is a hive of deplorables, and they’ve fought vaccination mandates everywhere they’ve been attempted. As a result, their death toll keeps going up. Below, we have one of their stories.


Currently, 85% of Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and over 67% are fully vaccinated. If you’re a business, are you catering to 67%, or are you catering to the 33%? It’s simple math, yet clearly far beyond the comprehension of these deplorable ignoramuses.


This was very good. My hometown of Berkeley has a similar mandate, and it makes me feel far safer engaging in commerce—even the occasional restaurant visit—knowing that everyone around me is vaccinated. It helps that 98% of Berkeley residents over over the age of 4 are vaccinated, too. People here aren’t assholes. And as a result, just 56 Berkeley residents have died throughout this pandemic. With a population of about 121,000, the city’s death rate per million is 462. The national average is almost six times higher at 2,650. The California number is 1,981. The national death cult leader Mississippi is 3,576. Florida is 2,954.

Point is, simple decency, masking, and vaccination saves lives. Too bad more places didn’t follow New York City’s example.


Cop is okay with bullying. Details at 6.


Cop thinks he’s David.


True story!

Or not.


Cop is Q.



I’ll take the top one, thank you very much.

Of course, I’m still alive. This cop …




No one said they were 100% effective. It’s all about risk mitigation.


Funny watching cops and nurses threaten to walk out en masse if they had to be vaccinated, and then mostly cave when actually confronted with hitting the unemployment rolls. One in three might’ve threatened to quit in New York City, or 10,000, but in the end, only 34 did. And most of those were retiring anyway. They are blowhard cowards who can’t even stand up for what they supposedly believe in.

Ironically, they cry that Biden “doesn’t really care about us” as COVID thins hundreds from their ranks every one of the two years it’s been around. The vaccine is trying to save their lives, and yet they throw petulant tantrums in response.


Please raise your hands if you agree so I can see who the deplorables around me are.


From the very beginning, vaccines were rated high 80%, low 90% effective. No one ever claimed they were an absolute cure or granted absolute immunity. And yeah, lots fewer people would need to be in hospitals if we had universal vaccination. COVID can’t believe its luck that so many assholes remain unwilling to deploy countermeasures.


Quick Google comes up with this guy:

Carlos Tejada, the deputy Asia editor of The New York Times, who helped shape coverage of the global Covid-19 crisis in 2021 that won a Pulitzer Prize, died on Friday at a hospital in Seoul. He was 49.

His wife, Nora Tejada, said the cause was a heart attack [...]

That year he contributed to The Times’s Pulitzer-winning coverage of the Covid-19 crisis, editing an article about how China had censored online news and opinion about the coronavirus early in the pandemic.

So why do the deplorables think he died of a booster shot, and not a heart attack?

CLAIM: Video shows a New York Times editor, Carlos Tejada, talking about taking the booster shot the same day he died of a heart attack.

THE FACTS: The video shows Stewart Reynolds, a comedian from Canada, not Tejada. A humorous video of Reynolds announcing he’d just taken his booster shot and encouraging people to do the same, circulated on Twitter with false claims stating it shows Tejada, the deputy Asia editor of The New York Times, who died of a heart attack in late December. “NYT EDITOR MAKES VIDEO ABOUT TAKING HIS 3RD BOOSTER & DIES THE SAME DAY OF A HEART ATTACK,” read the erroneous caption on the video of Reynolds.

Ah, so this cop “did his own research,” by which he means he consumed fake propaganda news like this:

They don't want to end up as worm-food like Carlos Tejada, the poster boy for "Death by mRNA." https://t.co/a7C5XprBmj pic.twitter.com/1ZQFOzz4S9

— Luigi Warren ?? (@luigi_warren) January 14, 2022

Of course, these deplorables could never truly explain why billions have taken the vaccine with no ill effects. Instead, they invent victims out of thin air.


No, he wouldn’t give you the shirt off his back, because he wouldn’t even take a vaccine to protect the community he was sworn to serve. Just another Q-addled deplorable victimized by the fake news and propaganda he eagerly chose to believe.