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Daily Kos Week in Action: Veterans, striking workers, democracy, and climate change


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Hello Daily Kos Community, and welcome to this new series by the Daily Kos Activism team! Each week, we’ll check in to share the issues we’re working on and get feedback on where you think we should focus our future efforts.

One of the most important goals of the Daily Kos Activism team is highlighting experiences that our society typically overlooks, including those of the groups that our government has discriminated against throughout history and people who hold less power in our economic system. We also seek to promote democracy—which conservatives are currently stripping for parts—and fight against climate change, one of the planet’s most pressing problems.

Let’s take a look at the team’s high notes this week.

Black World War II veterans and striking workers

Throughout history, our government has discriminated against Black World War II veterans. Black soldiers who served honorably during World War II were purposely denied access to the G.I. Bill, which allowed white veterans to go to college, buy homes, and receive other financial incentives. Those benefits then ushered millions of white Americans into the middle class, leaving Black Americans behind and inflaming a racial wealth gap that increases every day.

Daily Kos is building support for the G.I. Bill Restoration Act with that in mind. The bill, introduced by Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts and Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, would provide descendants of Black WWII veterans a transferable benefit that they can apply to housing, college, or starting a business—benefits they should have received, but were denied at the time.

We’ve also renewed our fight for the $15 minimum wage, inspired by workers all over the country who are striking for better wages. Corporations raked in billions in profits during the pandemic, but prefer to distribute those profits among their shareholders instead of their frontline workers. So far, our letter campaign has generated over 100,000 constituent letters, thanks to your tireless persistence.

Fighting for democracy

This was a big week for the Protecting Our Democracy Act, a bill introduced by California Rep. Adam Schiff that would strengthen the checks on executive power. The House passed the bill on Thursday, and it now heads to the Senate, where it will face a tougher audience. Although there are Republicans who would normally support this effort, because their base might consider it a direct repudiation of Trump, “normal” is off the table.

Daily Kos produced almost 45,000 constituent letters and over 2,000 calls ahead of the vote. Every one of those letters and calls puts pressure on members of Congress to vote “yes.” Our collective action contributed to passing this bill in the House, and we can do it again in the Senate.

Climate Change

Climate change is affecting us all in a big way, and it’s about to get worse. Extreme weather is buckling concrete and flooding roads at a faster pace than the government can keep up with, even if Congress somehow stopped talking long enough to pass a bill repairing the damage. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency issued rules to limit methane emissions from the oil and gas industry that are open to public comments.

Although carbon emissions make a bigger splash in the news, methane also has a massive impact on global warming. It has around 80 times the impact of carbon dioxide in the short term. Almost 80,000 of you have already signed our petition to let the EPA know methane regulation is essential. Let’s continue that momentum while the EPA is taking public comments to make sure our voices are heard.

Together with our partners, Daily Kos sent a petition to the White House demanding they ban offshore drilling. President Joe Biden attempted to pause the leasing of federal lands by oil companies for drilling by executive order in January. However, 13 southern states have sued the administration to bypass the executive order and lease that land anyway. In June, a federal judge agreed with these states and ordered the resumption of federal land leases. Together with 166,000 of you, we are calling on President Biden to use all the legal avenues available to fight against offshore drilling.

Read our letter to Biden here, and check out these actions you can take to fight offshore drilling and climate change:

Through your continued support and advocacy, Daily Kos can make an impact on legislation in Congress. Thank you, and be sure to let us know what issues you care about the most in the comments below!