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Daily Update – April 30th


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Politics Live

6:00pm –
And that’s all from us today! Join us on Tuesday for more news and updates.

4:45pm – Conservatives holding a firm lead over Labour as we head into election week:

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 42.8% (+0.7)
LAB: 34.1% (-1.5)
LDEM: 7.6% (+0.7)
GRN: 5.1% (+0.1)

via @BritainElects poll tracker
Chgs. w/ 29 Mar

All quiet on the polling front: https://t.co/vzkQx9ViZw pic.twitter.com/NpejhIkxCU

— Britain Elects (@BritainElects) April 30, 2021

4:31pm – Investigation is heating up as Johnson’s aids are threatened with jail if they delete texts or emails:


BORIS Johnson’s aides have been warned they face jail if they delete texts or emails about the “cash for curtains” row – and have a week to turn over their phones, report The Sun https://t.co/DgB4qKGWDZ

— Sam Coates Sky (@SamCoatesSky) April 30, 2021

3:45pm – In addition to stepping down as leader of the DUP, there are reports that Arlene Foster may leave the party entirely.

BBC reporting that Arlene Foster is resigning her membership of the DUP

— Patrick Maguire (@patrickkmaguire) April 30, 2021

3:05pm – An update from the latest Scottish election polls. SNP still way ahead of the rest, but very close now between Labour and the Conservatives:

Scottish parliament election forecast (30 Apr 2021):

SNP: 62 MSPs (-1)
CON: 26 (-5)
LAB: 25 (+1)
GRN: 11 (+5)
LDEM: 5% (-)
ALBA: 0 (-)

More on seat changes, polls and probabilities here:https://t.co/sEKbDLbuT5 pic.twitter.com/ucjaBSFcPj

— Britain Elects (@BritainElects) April 30, 2021

1:06pm – A must-watch video for any of you keen on the London mayoral elections:

I say this without hyperbole that this is far more embarrassing than any sex tape.

Yes, that is London Mayoral Candidate Brian Rose. pic.twitter.com/WQw7MEvrY9

— Anna Kalashnikova (@UkrainianAK) April 29, 2021

12:39pm – You may have heard the news that Boris Johnson’s phone number has been freely available online for years. This highlights one of the many issues that causes:

If you have somebody’s number you can read everything on their phone with the right equipment. Including WhatsApp and signal. I’ve seen the police in Italy do it while monitoring organise crime

— Krishnan Guru-Murthy (@krishgm) April 30, 2021

11:30am – And in yet another poll, which seems to contradict the polls before, half of UK adults think Johnson should resign if he knowingly misled parliament over his “bodies pile up” comment.


Half of UK adults say Boris Johnson should resign if it is found that he knowingly misled parliament in denying that he said he would "rather see bodies pile up" than order another lockdown (50%).

This includes a quarter of 2019 Con voters who say the same (25%). pic.twitter.com/5ibsQ2RCLj

— Savanta ComRes (@SavantaComRes) April 30, 2021

11:10am – But others are suggesting the lack of movement in polls points to a larger issue for Labour.

But I also think some people aren’t putting enough weight on the possibility that (3) their/his support is simply more resilient or (4) Labour's problems run deeper than the consensus assumes. (3) and (4) may well *not* be the case, but they do need to be taken seriously.

— Matt Singh (@MattSingh_) April 30, 2021

10:47am – The polls don’t suggest a monumental change in party popularity after a tough few weeks for the Conservatives, but some have pointed out that political accusations can have long term consequences for parties.

It's pretty rare for political stories to immediately move the polls. But they can still be politically important if the picture they paint of a party or politician becomes common sense

— Jon Stone (@joncstone) April 29, 2021

10:30am – Over 20MPs and Lords have signed an open letter to the culture secretary expressing concern about appointments to the ICO.

EXCLUSIVE: Government ‘unduly influencing’ data commissioner appointment

MPs write an open letter to @OliverDowden expressing concern that the government is seeking to appoint a candidate who will reduce privacy protections, rather than reinforce them.https://t.co/AFDEBNUVo0

— Politics.co.uk (@Politics_co_uk) April 30, 2021

8:15am – So what’s in the news today?

  • Boris Johnson’s phone number has been available online for 15 years
  • Ex-ministers may be fined for breaking lobbying rules
  • Edwin Poots favourite to be DUP leader

8:00am – Welcome back to another day of Politics Live!

The post Daily Update – April 30th appeared first on Politics.co.uk.