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Daily Update – G7 to meet today


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Politics Live

12:40pm –
While many have pointed out how Labour seemingly are polling worse than under Corbyn, some have said that the Brexit Party was a large reason why Labour hung on in many of these constituencies:

If we assume that Brexit Party votes would have gone 4:1 Conservative over Labour, there are 25 seats where the net of this is greater than the Labour majority over the Tories https://t.co/tnyIVKk5xX

— Matt Singh (@MattSingh_) May 4, 2021

11:52am – Polling is looking good for the SNP who are on track to gain an outright majority in Holyrood, which could give them the backing needed to secure an independence referendum.

NEW Sky News/Opinium polling
– Seat projections: SNP on for outright majority with 67 seats. Con on 29, Lab on 20
– Scots tied 50-50 on support for indy referendum
– 28% want #indyref within 2 yrs (SNP pledged to hold ref by end 2024)
Via @SamCoatesSkyhttps://t.co/tDOboUxtyr

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 4, 2021

11:08am – PM hints that some of the new ways of life brought on by the pandemic may stick:

The Prime Minister also suggested virtual GP appointments and changes to the high street will become permanent – and that could be a good thing.

“I think we will entrench some of the technological gains we’ve made… you have your medical consultations online, like in Israel"

— Dan Bloom (@danbloom1) May 4, 2021

10:30am – While pollsters have warned that there is a significant margin for error with these latest polls, there is no doubt they spell trouble for Labour:

Constituency polling always a bit hit and miss but a lead like this for the Conservatives in Hartlepool is going to make for a nervous few days for Labour.

Keir Starmer said this morning he “hopes” Labour can hold it – doesn’t sound convincing. https://t.co/mLhfXGB8dR

— Paul Brand (@PaulBrandITV) May 4, 2021

9:14am – Labour already in crisis management mode? Certainly doesn’t sound confident about the elections on Thursday.

Labour's @Keir_Starmer
sounds like he's in full expectation-management mode. Tells @skystephen:

-'We lost the last general election badly… the worst since 1935'.
-'Rebuilding trust will take time'.
-'Every vote has to be earned'.
-Labour have a 'mountain to climb'.

— Joe Pike (@joepike) May 4, 2021

8:31am – And the polling doesn’t look any better elsewhere for Labour either, trailing in several northern mayoral elections.

EXC in this morning's @timesredbox

More grim polling for Labour…

Opinium has Andy Street winning by 17 points *on first preferences* in the West Midlands.

Told by two sources that Labour has redeployed some staff from its campaign to the Airdre and Shotts by-election (!) pic.twitter.com/CnqQ3rMoZW

— Patrick Maguire (@patrickkmaguire) May 4, 2021

8:22am – Some poor reading for Labour in the latest polls, as Hartlepool looks likely to switch to the Tories. If you’re interested about why this is the case, click here to watch out report on Hartlepool!

Hartlepool, constituency voting intention:

CON: 50% (+1)
LAB: 33% (-9)
IND (Walker): 6% (+4)
IND (Lee): 6% (+6)
GRN: 3% (+2)
REFUK: 1% (-)

via @Survation, 23 – 29 Apr
Chgs. w/ 03 Apr

— Britain Elects (@BritainElects) May 4, 2021

8:15am – So what is in the news this morning?

  • G7 leaders to meet today to discuss a range of pressing issues
  • Last polls released ahead of Thursday’s election
  • Modi and Johnson meet to agree UK-India partnership

8:00am – Welcome back to another week of Politics Live!

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