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Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

Daily Update – May 21st


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Politics Live

1:09pm –
Could some big figures from the government fall?

Thought did cross my mind that if a reshuffle is going to be considered better news for No10, they must be expecting Cummings to be pretty bad…. https://t.co/9mZpEfxFLG

— Dan Bloom (@danbloom1) May 21, 2021

12:33pm – Between this and PMQs it could be an exciting day…

Number 10 play down (tho do not completely rule out) suggests of a reshuffle next Wednesday …

… which happens to be the day of Dominic Cummings evidence session

— Sam Coates Sky (@SamCoatesSky) May 21, 2021

11:15am – We’ve all used the classic ‘my dog ate my homework’ excuse before, just usually not when giving evidence to a parliamentary inquiry:

Top civil servant deleted David Cameron texts after 'entering wrong phone password’https://t.co/081poY4Jt5 pic.twitter.com/9CXoe7gQWZ

— Mirror Politics (@MirrorPolitics) May 21, 2021

10:25am – Sometimes when politics is all getting confusing, it’s refreshing to simply see an argument boil down to ‘my boat is bigger than yours’:

France’s carrier is the one in the middle. Yes, the little guy. Face palming in Paris right now at whichever French admiral thought this photo stunt was a good idea

— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) May 21, 2021

9:02am – The BBC is under signficant scrutiny following a report into Martin Bashir’s deceit towards Princess Diana. It could amplify calls to get rid of the licence fee.

It’s understood the government’s shelved plans to decriminalise non-payment of the BBC licence fee are still on the table for possible future changes. Sources insist this won't be used as an opportunity to do that, though. https://t.co/z9rhWRnhM7

— Dan Bloom (@danbloom1) May 21, 2021

8:20am – So what’s in the news this morning?

  • Truce called between Israel and Palestine
  • Questions as test and Trace system failed to track new variant spread
  • Just 633 Windrush victims have been given compensation

8:00am – Welcome back to another day of Politics Live!

The post Daily Update – May 21st appeared first on Politics.co.uk.