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Desperate for Georgians’ attention, detestable Herschel Walker makes a play for anti-trans voters


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If it isn’t bad enough that the Trump-endorsed Republican Georgia Senate nominee can barely string a sentence together, or keep himself from lying about virtually everything, now Herschel Walker is fomenting hatred against trans youth and athletes.

At a campaign event in Calhoun, Georgia, on Tuesday, Walker appeared alongside Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimmer infamous for her transphobic comments about the NCAA’s transgender policies. “Let’s get men out of women’s sports,” Riley said, according to the Atlanta Journal Consitution reports.

Walker gave a rousing, hate-filled speech, obviously appealing to the state’s extreme conservative voters; the Heisman Trophy winner used the bible to decry both transgender athletes and transgender Americans.

RELATED STORY: To the surprise of no one, Herschel Walker seems to be lying about his companies' charitable giving

Herschel Walker defined "woman" today at a rally in Georgia. "I know what a woman is. It's written in the Bible. She's from the rib of a man" pic.twitter.com/NdjkDVk7wW

— David Edwards (@DavidEdwards) September 27, 2022

Campaign Action
The issue around transgender athletes has become a hot button in the state. In April, Gov. Brian Kemp signed House Bill 1084 into law. Both divisive and unnecessary, the measure “creates an athletics committee with the authority to ban transgender youth from playing on sports teams aligning with their gender identity,” the Human Rights Campaign writes.

Walker is grasping at straws to separate himself from Warnock, and this issue, among many, does precisely that.

“When I get to heaven, I want the Lord to recognize me,” Walker said Tuesday. “Because I can tell you right now, they’re telling the young kids in school, you can be a boy tomorrow even if you’re a girl.“

He added: “But I want the young kids to know you go to heaven. Jesus may not recognize you. Because he made you a boy. He made you a girl. Why are we talking about things like that?”

In an article for the Advocate in 2020, just as the nation was heading to the polls for the presidential election; Warnock, a senior pastor at Atlanta’s historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, wrote about LGBTQ rights, saying that “it’s on all of us to make it known that we support the protection of LGBTQ people and to help build a better nation where all Americans can, without fear of retribution, be themselves authentically.”

In October, Walker will face Warnock in a debate—which the former NFL player agreed to only after he negotiated to get the questions ahead of time.

After months of back and forth, Walker agreed to debate Warnock in Savannah, Georgia, on Oct. 14, The Hill reported in early August.

“It’s time for Herschel Walker to stop playing games,” Quentin Fulks, Warnock’s campaign manager, said, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC). “The job of a U.S. senator isn’t one where you know the topics ahead of time or get a cheat sheet, and Herschel Walker shouldn’t need one to find the courage to walk on a debate stage.”

Walker’s campaign, despite his support from the Republican party, has been a real hot mess. Lie upon lie has bubbled up from the lava pit of Walker’s pie hole since his announcement for candidacy, and he’s babbled about topics he either didn’t understand or didn’t understand.

Walker has also lied about everything from graduating from the University of Georgia, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported, to hiding the fact that he had any children other than his one 22-year-old son Christian, to the mammoth exaggerations about his business acumen, to the tall tale about the time he founded (or co-founded) the veteran's organization Patriot Supportwhich he did not. He recently tried to deny that former President Donald Trump ever said the 2020 election was stolen, and the latest discovery of lies about his companies’ alleged charitable donations, of which nearly none were able to be verified by The Washington Post.

The latest poll shows Walker trailing his Democratic rival, incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock, by 5 points.

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