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Downing Street Partygate Timeline: What Are The Police Investigating?


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Scotland Yard has announced the first fines to people for holding parties in Downing Street and Whitehall in breach of lockdown rules will be issued on Tuesday.

The handing out of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) will thrust the partygate saga back onto the agenda in Westminster.

It has the potential to reignite anger at Boris Johnson, who looked close to being toppled as prime minister earlier this year when allegations about the parties were first revealed.

The 12 parties being investigated by the Metropolitan Police are:

– May 20 2020: Bring Your Own Booze party:

A leaked email from the prime minister’s principal private secretary Martin Reynolds showed No 10 staff were invited to “bring your own booze” to an event in the Downing Street garden.

Johnson has admitted he was there for 25 minutes, but said he thought it was a “work event” to thank staff for their efforts during the pandemic.

– June 18 2020: Cabinet Office leaving do:

Senior civil servant Sue Gray’s interim report said a gathering in the 70 Whitehall building was held to mark the departure of a No 10 private secretary.

The event had not previously been disclosed but The Telegraph said the official in question is former home affairs policy adviser Hannah Young, who left Downing Street to take up the role of deputy consul general in New York.

The newspaper said it understood about 20 people attended, with alcohol consumed.

– June 19 2020: Boris Johnson’s 56th birthday:

Downing Street has admitted staff “gathered briefly” in the Cabinet Room in what was reportedly a surprise get-together for the prime minister organised by his now wife Carrie.

However, No.10 has denied a report that, later the same evening, family and friends were hosted upstairs to celebrate the occasion.

– November 13 2020: Downing Street flat do:

Mrs Johnson reportedly hosted parties in the official flat over No.11 where she and Mr Johnson live, including one event on November 13, the night of Dominic Cummings’ acrimonious departure.

A spokesman for the prime minister’s wife called the claim “total nonsense”.

But reports have since suggested that the prime minister was seen heading up to the flat on the night in question, with the Mail On Sunday stating that Abba songs, including The Winner Takes It All, were heard coming from the residence.

Cummings, former de facto chief-of-staff at No 10, has alleged there are photographs of parties held at the flat during lockdown and said he has spoken to people who heard music coming from the Johnsons’ accommodation on the night he exited Downing Street.

– November 13 2020: Leaving party for senior aide:

According to reports at the time, Johnson gave a leaving speech for Lee Cain, his departing director of communications and a close ally of Cummings.

– December 17 2020: Cabinet Office ‘Christmas party’:

The Cabinet Secretary Simon Case removed himself from the inquiry into Whitehall parties – to be replaced by Gray – after reports emerged of a gathering in the Cabinet Office.

It was reported the do had been organised by a private secretary in Case’s team, and that it was included in digital calendars as: “Christmas party!” and included an online quiz.

The Cabinet Office said Case played no part in the event “but walked through the team’s office on the way to his own”.

– December 17 2020: Leaving drinks for former Covid Taskforce head:

The former director-general of the Government’s Covid Taskforce Kate Josephs said she was “truly sorry” over leaving drinks held in the Cabinet Office.

– December 17 2020: No 10 leaving do:

A leaving do was held for a departing Downing Street official.

The Telegraph reported that the staff member in question is Captain Steve Higham, then one of Johnson’s private secretaries, who advised on defence and national security issues.

The Mirror, which first reported the event before the police investigation began, said Johnson was only there “for a few minutes”.

Capt Higham became Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales in July 2021.

– December 18 2020: Downing Street Christmas party:

Officials and advisers reportedly made speeches, enjoyed a cheese board, drank together and exchanged Secret Santa gifts, although the prime minister is not thought to have attended.

Johnson’s spokeswoman Allegra Stratton resigned after video emerged of her joking about a “fictional party” at a mock press conference.

– January 14 2021: More Downing Street leaving drinks:

A gathering was held in No.10 to mark the departure of two private secretaries.

Reports have suggested the prime minister attended the leaving event, which was for a senior civil servant in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, according to The Telegraph.

The other official’s identity is so far unknown.

– April 16 2021: Leaving drinks on the eve of the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral:

The night before the Queen sat alone at the funeral of her husband of almost 70 years, in compliance with Covid rules at the time, two leaving dos were reportedly held in No 10.

Downing Street apologised to Buckingham Palace after reported details emerged of boozy drinks parties, including one for outgoing communications director James Slack.

Events not subject to police investigation:

– May 15 2020: Cheese and wine in the No 10 garden:

A photograph emerged of a number of groups gathered in the No 10 garden, including Mr Johnson, Mrs Johnson, Cummings and Reynolds sitting together on the terrace.

– November 27 2020: Another special adviser leaves:

Johnson reportedly gave a leaving speech at a gathering for Cleo Watson, another ally of Cummings.

– December 10 2020: Department for Education Christmas drinks:

Then education secretary Gavin Williamson reportedly threw a party and delivered a short speech at his department’s Whitehall headquarters.

– December 15 2020: An online Christmas quiz in No 10:

The prime minister appeared on contestants’ screens at the quiz but insisted he broke no rules.

