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'Eat The Rich': You Can Now Buy Chocolates Of Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss


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What do Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss all have in common? Aside from the fact they’ve all been Prime Minister in 2022, you can now eat them for Christmas.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Entrepreneurs are selling chocolates in the shape of the three Tory leaders this December, from an online shop titled Eat The Rich – a phrase borrowed from the quote by Jean Jacques Rousseau, who famously proclaimed: “When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.”

Our latest PM certainly fits the label. Sunak and his wife Ashrata Murty have a combined net worth of £730m, making them Number 10′s wealthiest ever occupants.

Meanwhile Boris Johnson was quoted describing the revenue from his newspaper column, which at the time paid £250,000, as “chicken feed”.

Liz Truss is from fairly lofty background, too. Her father was a university professor and her own net worth has been estimated at £8.4m.

But it’s their voting records that have really riled up creative duo Agatha O’Neill and Sarah Lisgo, who produce the chocolates themselves from moulds of the three politicians’ heads.


They’ve criticised Sunak for historically voting to increase the threshold for when people pay income tax, Truss for removing barriers on bankers’ bonuses, and Johnson for previously shelving plans to extend free school meals.

“By having the interests of the privileged few at the forefront, our government has failed us once again. So we thought it was time to Eat The Rich,” their website states.

“Choose any UK prime minister from the past three months to devour in milk chocolate form. New editions likely to be released soon.”

The chocs – affectionately named Eat the Rish, Lick the Liz and Bite the Boris – cost £5.99 each, with all profits going to the nationwide food bank charity The Trussell Trust.

