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Extremist Supreme Court majority succeeds in unifying most Americans against it in one term


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In case the Supreme Court's right-wing majority was sitting around wondering whether it has jolted awake a sleeping giant, a new AP-NORC poll released Monday should put that quandary to rest.

Here are the basics from the poll: Most Americans don't trust the Supreme Court; most Americans now favor terms limits; most Americans now support requiring justices to retire by a specific age; and most Americans reported that the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade made them “angry” or “sad.”

Effectively, the court's right-wing justices have gone 4-for-4 in turning the American public against them in a single term.

Here are the toplines from the AP-NORC survey:

  • 67% of Americans support setting a specific number of years that justices serve instead of life terms, including 82% of Democrats and 57% of Republicans
  • 64% favor requiring Supreme Court justices to retire by a specific age, including 75% of Democrats and 56% of Republicans
  • 43% of Americans say they have hardly any confidence in the court—up from 27% three months ago—including 64% of Democrats and 45% of independents. (Just 17% of Americans expressed a great deal of confidence in the court)
  • 55% say they feel at least somewhat angry or sad about the decision, including about 4 in 10 who feel so strongly (just 32% said they're excited by the ruling)

Nearly every poll taken since the abortion ruling was leaked or released has found plummeting confidence in the court.

The progressive group Navigator Research found the high court's job approvals plummeting 29 points, from +23 points in February to -6 in July at 43% approve, 49% disapprove.

In the wake of the ruling, Reuters Ipsos found the court's favorability rating had fallen 14 points underwater (43% favorable, 57% unfavorable), whereas in early June, it was still 4 points above water (52% favorable, 48% unfavorable).

Gallup found just 25% of Americans expressed confidence in the Supreme Court, a historic low in nearly 50 years of polling the issue—and that was in June before the abortion ruling had been handed down.

All in all, it's a pretty impressive streak for the radicalized 6-3 Supreme Court majority. The extremist justices have really turned things around in short order.


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