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Funny And Too-Real Tweets About Gen X


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There’s been much ado about the differences between Generation Y (aka millennials) and Generation Z. But considerably less attention is paid to the folks who were born before them ― the oft-forgotten Generation X.

And Gen Xers might be just fine with that. At least many of the funny ones on Twitter seem to be. We’ve rounded up 45 hilarious and relatable tweets about Gen X. Enjoy!

if you never fretted because a white child got stuck in a well, you're not gen x. lmaooo

white children stayed getting stuck in wells.

⚓️?Imani Gandy ?⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) March 4, 2021

If you’re wondering why Generation X is the way it is, it’s because millenial/Gen Z had parents constantly googling, “best parenting strategies for your growing miracle,” and ours were like, “You can play with a knife in your room just don’t smoke weed in the kitchen.”

— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) May 14, 2021

You guys can call us Gen Xer's "Karen" if you want but if you understood us at all, it'd be "Heather."

— Aimee Giese (@Greeblehaus) November 15, 2019

If there’s one thing Gen X loves, it’s being told who they are and what they should do

— Mara “Get Rid of the Nazis” Wilson (@MaraWilson) March 15, 2021

Maybe the most Gen X thing is abject horror at the generations before and after us embracing memes.

— Elizabeth Hackett (@LizHackett) August 20, 2019

I think a thing that young people could not possibly understand about Gen X and older Millennials is that our entire personalities were shaped by watching shows that weren’t at all for us or even interesting to us just because they were on

— Amber Sparks (@ambernoelle) May 12, 2021

Gen Z: lol fucking millennials

Millennials: lol fucking boomers.

Boomers: Fuck all y'all kids

Gen X: pic.twitter.com/1eAZr1NGKB

— 9/10 on the wickedness scale ?? (@fiddleyoumust) June 14, 2020

I’m enjoying this new thing where Gen X doesn’t exist in any generational analysis. It’s like we’re a bunch of gloomy, curmudgeonly ghosts, which feels accurate.

— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) January 26, 2019

every generation has a painful breakup. gen z and tik tok. millennials and vine. gen x and cultural relevance

— Astead (@AsteadWesley) August 1, 2020

I'm Gen X which means that, if you text me, I'm a Boomer and don't know how to respond but if you call me on the phone, what kind of dinosaur are you, World War Two is over, granddad

— Sandra Newman (@sannewman) June 24, 2019

Shout out to Gen X, the only generation who can keep our asses at home without being told, the motherfucking latchkey kids, the generation used to being neglected by fucking everyone. We’ll be the only ones left.

— Lauren Hough (@laurenthehough) March 15, 2020

I’m Gen X. My religion is Winona Ryder and a flannel light enough be worn year round.

— Kendra Alvey ? (@Kendragarden) September 9, 2018

I keep seeing tweets about whether boomers or millennials or Gen-Z has lived through the most crap and I’m over here in my Gen X feels like, I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now. Entertain us. pic.twitter.com/373v5WoAAZ

⚓️?Imani Gandy ?⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) March 17, 2020



Gen X: Have you guys seen Beavis and Butthead?

— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) February 28, 2017

I'm GenX. I grew up braced for apocalypse.

Never thought it would involve knocking together pizza dough in my jammies while listening to podcasts, however.

— Elizabeth Bear (@matociquala) March 23, 2020

I am #GenX. I have the patience of Job. I sat for hours just waiting for my favorite song to play on the radio so I could hit record on my cassette player only to have the DJ talk over it so I’d have to wait even longer to try again. I can do nothing for days and be ok.

— Crille ?? (@crilleacree) March 16, 2020

If you ever got an actual physical mix tape from someone who was in love with you, you're Gen X.

— Summer Brennan ? (@summerbrennan) February 27, 2021

My daughter keeps saying “ok boomer” and I keep trying to tell her I’m Gen X and that little saying means nada to me.

— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) December 1, 2019

Gen X? You mean the people who already lived through this bullshit in the early 1990s when it was called "political correctness" and saw through it then too? https://t.co/KlMEUUxyDZ

— andi zeisler (@andizeisler) March 15, 2021

Gen X is trending because Fox News thinks we are the ones who can kill cancel culture.

*laughs in 2 Live Crew, NWA and Sinead O'Connor*

— My name is Monique, and I am excessively Black (@thejournalista) March 15, 2021

Fun fact: the “Gen” in “Gen X” is actually short for Gennifer

— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) January 7, 2020

GEN X: lol Boomers and Millennials and their generation wars
NEWS: *mentions Gen X one time*
GEN X: first of all *forty tweet thread*

— bletchley punk (@alicegoldfuss) March 17, 2021

It is our time to shine!! ?? #GenXpic.twitter.com/cBAFWehPsT

— Brandi Watson (@b_j_wats) March 15, 2020

omg hot metal slides.

Society didn’t want Gen X to make it out of high school. I’m sure of it. Hot metal slides. Concrete playgrounds. The whole concept of latch key kids. ?? https://t.co/bBpezFQO48

⚓️?Imani Gandy ?⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) December 27, 2020

Being Gen X is getting a little like being Switzerland

— Sandra Newman (@sannewman) April 21, 2019

Whether you're Gen X or Millennial shouldn't be based on age but on how long it would take you to get non-prescription Adderall.

— maura quint (@behindyourback) November 10, 2018

shout out to everyone born between 1980 to 1985, you’ve been Gen X, Gen Y, a millennial, the Oregon trail generation, a xennial, an elder millennia, and now a *checks notes* geriatric millennial

— Indy ? (@IndecisiveJones) May 14, 2021

Gen X watching Millenials fighting with Gen Z

Quietly bets all money on Gen Z

— Ellen 오 Oh (@ElloEllenOh) February 27, 2021

I'm not going to look up why "Gen X" is trending I'll just assume it's because we died

— andi zeisler (@andizeisler) May 14, 2019

The most GenX thing ever. ?? pic.twitter.com/3rxHLH8CeX

— Brad King (@thebradking) January 20, 2019

I saw "Gen X "was trending and I cringed, like a true Gen Xer.

— Kendra Alvey ? (@Kendragarden) May 14, 2019

Not to beat a dead horse but coming of age in an analog world and moving seamlessly into the digital world is one of the best things about being Gen X—

Besides literally not giving a fuck about anything

⚓️?Imani Gandy ?⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) March 21, 2021

Gen X and Millennials have more in common than we think

For instance, how many of us were conceived to Carole King songs

— Mara “Get Rid of the Nazis” Wilson (@MaraWilson) September 16, 2016

I can’t believe I’m technically Gen X. Like my aesthetic is the movie Singles and Ethan Hawke and Jennifer Jason Leigh are my contemporaries

— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) April 30, 2021

My 14 yo daughter and her friends just described millennials to me:

“Twitter, coffee, and depression while they live in a one bedroom apartment with fourteen roommates.”

I asked them not to do Gen X for my own mental health.

— Shannon Carpenter (@HossmanAtHome) February 25, 2020

I think about how my Gen X friends once had to order takeout by calling the place and I admire their bravery.

— feminist next door (@emrazz) February 2, 2020

That'd be us. Gen X. ? pic.twitter.com/W9H4gPPwlp

— LISA "L" JOHNVERRELL ?️‍?**LOVE MY STATE GA** (@JohnverrellL) March 15, 2021

Just saw a 20-something girl wearing a Nirvana t-shirt but with a picture of Hanson on it. A++ Gen X trolling.

— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) November 13, 2014

I love how Gen X is acting all tough now. It's like, our moms didn't supervise us while we watched Duran Duran videos. Real Mad Max stuff.

— Sandra Newman (@sannewman) March 16, 2021

I’m just a GenXer, standing in front of history, asking it to acknowledge me. https://t.co/qYexFrdrOm

— shauna (@goldengateblond) January 20, 2019

I was born on the exact cusp of Generation X and Millennials so I have really shitty fashion sense, but I'm unapologetic about it.

— JennyPentland GED (@JennyPentland) December 10, 2015

Generation X's retirement plan is a dollar bill with some Pixies lyrics scribbled on it stuck to a vision board.

— Nina Bargiel, Anti-Fascist. BLM. (@slackmistress) February 28, 2018

Everyone: "Let's reopen everything now!"

Gen X: Opens front door, looks around at everyone, shakes head, closes and locks door.

— Lynda HainesSchommer #FBR #BLM (@1lynks14) March 15, 2021

I’m Gen X and all I care about is when I can wear tiny backpacks again

⚓️?Imani Gandy ?⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) November 4, 2019

The one saving grace of Generation X is that we shut up about our generation early on, and so did everyone else. Like we all read that Douglas Coupland book and said, "Let us never speak of this again."

— Sandra Newman (@sannewman) October 9, 2018