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GOP congressman says pre-K education isn't needed because stay-at-home parents are still a thing


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It’s safe to say that Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin is not the brightest bulb on the marquee. While a member of the Wisconsin state Senate, Grothman proposed putting an end to weekends, said sex education could turn kids gay, once issued a press release titled “Why Must We Still Hear About Kwanzaa?” and on one occasion wondered if people in the ’70s even knew what homosexuality was: “I don’t remember any discussion about that at the time,” he stated. “There were a few guys who would make fun of a few effeminate boys, but that’s a different thing than homosexuality. Homosexuality was not on anyone’s radar. And that’s a good thing.”

So it’s no surprise that Republican voters in Wisconsin’s 6th District sent him to Congress. I mean, how could they not? He’s simply awful, and the Republican Party always homes in on the worst possible candidate. Badger State progressives better hope Hitler never comes back from the dead because if he does, he’s moving to Wisconsin so his least-talented anal wart can primary Glenn Grothman.

And—surprise, surprise—Grothman is still living in the ’50s! He doesn’t understand why anyone would need access to pre-K education, given that some parents still stay home to take care of their kids.

Rep. Grothman argues that Pre-K isn’t needed because there are stay at home parents pic.twitter.com/S60XgkXzdV

— Acyn (@Acyn) October 26, 2021

GROTHMAN: “But in any event, I don’t like the idea of the government taking care of 3- or 4-year-olds. Right now there are still many stay-at-home parents, and not only that, even when parents don’t stay home, a lot of times kids stay with their grandparents or other relatives. This is a big shift in saying the government should take care of the 3- and 4-year-olds. And in part, I think, given what we’ve seen in the rest of this bill, one of the reasons the government wants to take care of these kids is to instill the government values in those children, which is not something that we want.”

If “government values” include knowing when the fuck to get vaccinated, so you don’t paint the town red with freedom phlegm, then sign me up. Let’s see, do I want kids to learn about sharing, treating others as they would like to be treated themselves, and striving to become contributing members of society, or would I like them to be weaponized disease vectors? Not a difficult choice, honestly.

And, you know, you’d think the current labor shortages might convince Grothman that making it easier for parents to go back to work—as President Biden wants to do through his Build Back Better infrastructure plan—would be a boon for our economy. But then, to process that, he’d need at least six ping-pong balls bouncing around in his head instead of the current two.

Yeah, this is why we can’t have nice things. We’re beset by benighted boobs like Glenn Grothman who think we can bring back the ‘50s—or at least the very worst parts of it. No, Glenn. We’ve moved on. Maybe it’s about time you do likewise.

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