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Herschel Walker broadens appeal to Georgia Republicans with new story about, uh, livestock sex


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Now that the one son Republican Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker had publicly acknowledged as his own has thrown up his hands and abandoned dad's campaign, that campaign has gone even further off the rails than it was before. And it was never on the rails to begin with. It was maybe adjacent to some rails, maybe? Like, if the campaign rails were over here, then Walker's campaign would be the empty parking lot of an abandoned mall next to the tracks, with weeds growing through the pavement, and Walker's campaign would be leaning precariously into a dumpster in that parking lot, looking for old cassette tapes or something. I don't know, I haven't put a lot of thought into this.

What we do know is that the man the Republican establishment chose as its very best option to represent the Republican Party in Georgia hasn't been doing so great after news came to light that he had paid for a then-girlfriend's abortion, and had kept it from his family, and lied about it when it came to light, and kept lying even as the woman in question was revealed to be the mother of one of the kids he casually forgot to mention he had until reporters discovered them on their own. How has he been responding to the newest revelations? Not well.

Herschel Walker just told a weird parable about a bull who was with six cows, and three of them were pregnant, and he saw some more cows on the other side of the fence so he hopped the fence and cut up his belly. I don't know either, man.

— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) October 11, 2022

Yeah, that's indeed the short version. You might keep an eye on fellow Republicans Tom Cotton and The Ghost Of Rick Scott as Herschel weaves his little tale of ... something? Is Herschel talking about what we all think he’s talking about?

Herschel Walker just now: "I've been telling this little story about this bull out in the field with six cows, and three of them are pregnant... so you know he's got something going on" pic.twitter.com/C54cFotXJD

— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) October 11, 2022

This is why Republicans suck VERY VERY MUCH at writing children's books. Anytime a "family-values" abortion-paying-for secret-child-having repeatedly-held-gun-to-wife's-head Republican Senate candidate starts going on about livestock sex, things are going to go downhill quickly. There are very few campaign strategies that have, as bullet points, "and now you’re going to go out and tell the crowd a story about livestock sex." NO.

But the moral of this little story is ... what? Herschel imagines himself as the bull, right? And he got three women pregnant that we know of, and maybe there's three more we don't know about, but for Senate Republican candidates in Georgia the grass is always greener on the side of the fence with even more cows than that, so he's naturally going to go through barbed wire to look for them, and hey I think we are going to stop thinking about this right the hell now, because sweet and sour Jesus this is not the closing argument we want to be hearing from any would-be Republican senator past or present.

We do not want to hear about livestock sex from Tom Cotton, or from Mitch McConnell, or from anybody else. Not as a parable. Not as a free-form poem. Please stop talking about cow sex.

Walker did stop, but not before making everything even weirder than that.

Clipped and tweeted this right before a meeting and I see it has blown up, just want to point out that the highlighted quote is obviously bad but if you try to give him the benefit of the doubt to get the full context and meaning it turns out to be "better things aren't possible"

— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) October 11, 2022

See there, and you were beginning to wonder if he really was Senate material.

Moving on ...

Walker: I don’t think they know they woke up a bear. I’m not just a dog now, I’m a bear pic.twitter.com/qWuNqgnzsM

— Acyn (@Acyn) October 11, 2022

Okay, so first he was a bull, then a dog, now he's a bear? Is the bear having sex too, or is that not specified? And he's both dog and bear now, some sort of freaky dog-bear hybrid? Can anyone explain the train of thought that gets us from there to "and that's why you should vote for me to be in the United States Senate, where I can write new tax laws or whatever?"

This is not how a campaign normally operates! This is not how parables operate! This is maybe how German folk tales usually go, but parables? Not really! Normally there are no candidates who climb up on stage to tell stories of sex-having mountain goats with a long history of head injuries, to give one inappropriate example out of many.

We're used to Republican politicians announcing that there are Too Many Trees These Days, from Ronald Reagan to Donald Whatshisname to this guy. We can get through that. We're used to Republican candidates who hide a history of just blood-curdling moral failures; hiding secret sex partners and the abortions you paid for is so commonplace it might as well be written into the Republican Party platform. You can be banned from local malls after becoming infamous as the town's most persistent sex pest, and we're even used to that.

Walker, though, seems intent on shooting the moon here. He's going to fill out every square of the Republican Scandal Bingo cards so that everyone wins a prize. He's running against a Democratic minister, no less, and one who has not yet become famous for telling stories about sex-having animals.

Stop it! Enough! This has all been very funny but for the love of God and biscuits, Walker campaign staff, get this man help instead of just going through the motions for a paycheck. Suggest he pursue alternate careers, maybe something in accounting. No petting zoos. No children's books. What about pumpkin farming, one of those guys that tries to grow the biggest pumpkin for Halloween, maybe he'd be interested in that? Some of them are even big enough to turn into boats; he could float around and pretend to be in the Navy.


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