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Herschel Walker tries denying he has a child with woman he admitted having a child with


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So where were we? Oh, right. On Monday, The Daily Beast’s Roger Sollenberger reported on super-born-again Christian and Republican Georgia Senate nominee Herschel Walker paying for a woman’s abortion back in 2009. This was problematic, as Walker has gone on the record saying he is against all abortions with no exceptions—including rape, incest, and health of the pregnant person. Walker spent most of Monday night and all of Tuesday saying the report was a lie and he didn’t know the woman and he didn’t pay for an abortion. On Wednesday, the woman who had been anonymous in the original report decided to come out against Walker’s pretty grotesque denials. It turns out that she is a former girlfriend of the Republican Senate candidate, and is also the mother of one of Walker’s secret children.

Walker then spent most of that Wednesday and into Thursday morning rambling to television hosts that he did not necessarily know this woman and maybe even hadn’t agreed that the two had a child together. So, on Thursday afternoon, The Daily Beast decided to publish a report on how in June 2022, after Sollenberger first reported on Walker’s secret children, the Trump-supported Republican had indeed confirmed that this woman’s child was also his own child.

RELATED STORY: Woman that Herschel Walker denied knowing is the mother of one of his children

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In June, The Daily Beast reported on how Walker, who had all kinds of disparaging things to say about “deadbeat dads” and how even if things don’t work out in a relationship “you don’t leave the child,” had indeed sired a second son. The mother had to take Walker to court a year after the child was born in order to “secure a declaration of paternity and child support.”

At the time, The Daily Beast confirmed the woman’s statements with court documents declaring Walker to be the child’s parent. At the time, Walker’s campaign manager Scott Paradise attempted to attack Sen. Raphael Warnock, even while admitting to his boss being an epic piece of detritus. “Herschel had a child years ago when he wasn’t married. He’s supported the child and continues to do so. He’s proud of his children. To suggest that Herschel is ‘hiding’ the child because he hasn’t used him in his political campaign is offensive and absurd.”

The Daily Beast had to release this latest report after Herschel Walker told a reporter asking him about the original June article that something something, jibberish.

“Because of the article I had more kids. That’s why I haven’t reached out to anyone, because I said no. And that’s what I mean when I said no, I said it’s not correct, that’s a lie. And that’s what I mean, when that’s a lie,” Walker said.

So there it is again. Herschel Walker is a liar, a hypocrite, a misogynist, a liar again, a coward, and an egomaniac whose pants are on fire.

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RELATED STORY: Herschel Walker again says he didn't pay for an abortion, but that's not all he's denying now