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Herschel Walker's abortion gets its own roundup of Republicans suddenly supporting abortion


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Late on Monday a report from The Daily Beast came out saying that around 2009 Republican Senate candidate for Georgia Herschel Walker had urged a women he impregnated to get an abortion. The report also showed receipts that Walker paid the woman’s medical costs. This was followed up by Walker’s own very right-wing son Christian going on a rant attacking his father for hypocrisy while also reminding media outlets that Walker’s past is filled with domestic violence claims and decades of being a not-so-great dad. Walker has denied the claims against him in sort of word salad statements to the press.

In recent months, in front of lots of people and to lots of people with microphones, Walker has complained that he is against abortions. He is so very morally opposed to abortions that he does not believe there are any exceptions he could think of that would square with who might have the right to decide to do with their own reproductive situation: This includes rape, incest, or the health and welfare of the person carrying the egg. The fact that Walker’s garbage fire of a campaign includes the height of moral hypocrisy was not surprising. Also not surprising was the fact that by Tuesday afternoon it became clear the Republican Party would walk back virtually everything they’ve been claiming to believe about the concept of abortion for the past 60 or so years.

Let’s put it all on the record:

RELATED STORY: It looks like Herschel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion before he decided to become 'pro-life'

Let’s see what GOP chairwoman and rainbow fentanyl Halloween ghoul Ronna McDaniel has to say:

Herschel Walker will deliver a safer and more prosperous Georgia, and the RNC will continue to invest in the Senate race. (2/2)

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 4, 2022

Here’s Newt Gingrich taking time away from wondering about tattoos to explain how Republican voters need to forget everything about how much of a morally bankrupt monster Herschel Walker is because Herschel Walker has a “deep commitment to Christ.” Quick reminder: Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock has been the senior pastor at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church since 2005. If the Jesus thing is your thing, I mean, c’mon!

Gingrich: I think Walker is the most important Senate candidate in the country because he’ll do more to change the Senate… by his deep commitment to Christ. He had a lot of concussions.. pic.twitter.com/40VkaCoFgZ

— Acyn (@Acyn) October 5, 2022

Former NRA spokesperson and white supremacist fetishist Dana Loesch is till cranking about in the right-wing-o-sphere. Back in 2012, Loesch had this to say about people who were fighting against proposed Virginia legislation that would force one to undergo vaginal penetration by an ultrasound wand in order to be cleared to have an abortion in Virginia: “That’s the big thing that progressives are trying to say, that it’s rape and so on and so forth. … There were individuals saying, ‘Oh what about the Virginia rape? The rapes that, the forced rapes of women who are pregnant?’ What? Wait a minute, they had no problem having similar to a trans-vaginal procedure when they engaged in the act that resulted in their pregnancy.”

Loesch also called pro-choice advocates and politicians people who “who think it is perfectly permissible and moral to murder infants up until and even in some cases according to Governor Northam after birth.” What say you about Herschel Walker, Ms. Morality?

Dana Loesch: “I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate.” pic.twitter.com/gp3jbG5P1B

— PatriotTakes ?? (@patriottakes) October 4, 2022

So, “murdering infants” is less of a virtue to Loesch than “winning.” Loesch goes on to say that the woman who Walker was dating and got pregnant and paid for an abortion for is a “skank.” And she also characterizes women who decide to have an abortion as “skanks.” Take it in, but wear a mask—the sulfur pouring out of her face is poison.

Conservative evangelical radio host Erik Erickson wanted to get out in front of this by saying it was old news.

I thought we all knew this. Also, old news and people do change over time. https://t.co/HhPgtRYJP0

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) October 3, 2022

Later on, because all of these GOP shills are tragically narcissistic, Erickson had to say that he wasn’t wrong even if he wasn’t right.

On the Walker thing, it may not have been public, but I'm about 100% sure one of his opponents told me it was rumor. I thought it was public, but it might not have been. It was definitely talked about in quiet discussions. Here's what a lot of people are going to miss…

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) October 3, 2022

That led to this very good point for the evangelical Erickson.

Erick, who else secretly paid for abortions that only big time insiders like you talk about in quiet discussions?

— Gabe Rosenberg (@Gaber205) October 4, 2022

Surely those God-fearing pro-lifers aren’t going to openly support Walker now that he’s been relentlessly exposed as somewhat worthless?

Pro-lifers praying with Herschel this morning to put the armor of God on him to shield him from his own son’s truth bombs. pic.twitter.com/fh4uNpLr1Y

— Ron Filipkowski ?? (@RonFilipkowski) October 4, 2022

What does the National Right to Life: Protecting Life in America Since 1968, have to say about Herschel Walker?

The anonymous attack on Herschel Walker is just the latest in a series of attempted Democratic character assassinations going back to the allegations against Justice Clarence Thomas. National Right to Life stands behind its endorsement of Herschel Walker. It is the Democratic candidate, Raphael Warnock, who has in fact voted to pay for thousands of abortions.

Herschel Walker wants to protect unborn children while Raphael Warnock wants to see them die through unlimited abortion. The Democratic party knows it cannot win on the issues, so we once again see an attempted character assassination, a tactic that is sadly all too often encouraged by a compliant and willing media.


Sen. Rick Scott left his throne of bones to go on the Hugh Hewitt show and say that nothing matters!

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MAGA-red voters aren’t going to be swayed by the fact that Walker shouldn’t be allowed to drive your kid in a carpool, let alone become senator. These guys don’t need any GOP leaders to finesse things for them.

Man wearing shirt that says “BLOWJOBS” doesn’t want kids seeing anything inappropriate. pic.twitter.com/qtB4qNSowz

— The Good Liars (@TheGoodLiars) October 5, 2022


The Herschel Walker abortion story again shows that Republicanism stands for nothing at all

Herschel Walker’s son blasts his dad over abortion denials, lies, and domestic violence

Since Dobbs, women have registered to vote in unprecedented numbers across the country, and the first person to dig into these stunning trends was TargetSmart CEO Tom Bonier, who's our guest on this episode of The Downballot. Bonier explains how his firm gathers data on the electorate; why this surge is likely a leading indicator showing stepped-up enthusiasm among many groups of voters, including women, young people, and people of color; how we know these new registrants disproportionately lean toward Democrats; and what it all might mean for November.

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