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How To Get Through The Mondayest Tuesday Of All


Active member

Happy new year to all, and in case you weren’t aware, today is in fact a Tuesday, despite feeling like the biggest Monday of all.

We’ve had a good time. There were days off (or weeks, if you’re lucky) for many of us. We feasted over Christmas, New Year’s and for those who’ve been struck with the Omicron, celebrated the end of isolation. And importantly, we napped when the heart desired.

And as we saw the end of 2021 which, much like 2020, was a taxing year, many of us weren’t the most concerned with work duties (sorry, to the bosses reading).

Which makes the big return to office and work life all the more difficult. We’re tired, rusty, and have low-key forgotten how to do the job.

But, at least we’re all in it together.

Thankfully, there are things we can do to re-wire the old brain and get stuck into all those duties we may have been neglecting over the festive period.

And in no time, you’ll be back to the old grind. Here are five things you can do to get started:

So apparently we have to work tomorrow and can't wake up late and have a big breakfast and then go back to bed because we ate too much and maybe do some reading before slipping in a quick nap ahead of lunch. This is bullshit.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) January 3, 2022

1. Take it easy​

This one you’ll have no trouble doing. Yes it’s a new year and the work load looms, but we’ve had some much-needed time off, it’s natural that we’re a little groggy. Take your time and let yourself recalibrate before you attack your responsibilities.

And, unless their new year’s resolution is to speed through work, many of your colleagues will be in the same boat and will also be taking it easy. So, there’s camaraderie in that.

2. Plan your day​

If you’ve become accustomed to the mid-day nap, the big breakfasts, and filling your day with TV and all the snacks, then it’s certainly sad news you’re back to work.

But just because employment beckons, doesn’t mean you need to give up all those little luxuries. Perhaps you could maintain the ‘treat yourself’ mentality but at a safe distance. Order in that breakfast/lunch while you work. Or schedule a 20-minute nap at lunch. Or catch up on your fave show while you eat during your break.

Delighted to have picked up the sleeping pattern of a teenager 24 hours before going back to work

— Luke Cope (@Copozade) January 2, 2022

3. Sleep, sleep, sleep​

This might be the hardest to do as many of us developed the sleeping pattern of a teenager, going to bed at 2 or 3am and having a lie-in the next day.

It’s a shame we can’t keep doing it (but also, was it ever really wise to stay up this late?). So, avoid revenge bedtime procrastination and doze off earlier. You’ll be happier for it the next day.

I’m not ready to go #backtowork tomorrow ? pic.twitter.com/ECHhekvVYm

— Mono (@monmonuuu) January 3, 2022

4. Turn off the electronics​

It’s life’s greatest shame that when you’re meant to be doing things, you’re often tired as hell, but when it comes to bed-time, sleep is nowhere to be seen.

So keeping in mind the previous tip, aim to get more, high-quality sleep instead of longer (or short) broken sleep.

One way you can better ensure a good night’s rest is by putting away the electronics. Kathryn Pinkham, an NHS consultant and founder of The Insomnia Clinic says the biggest problem with using your phone at this time is blue light and stimulation. “Blue light is the type of light that’s emitted by tech,” she says. “Studies have found blue light inhibits the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, which is naturally developed with darkness and the dimming of light.”

If you can’t imagine not using your device in the evening, it’s worth considering getting a blue light filter, which changes the type of light emitted from your screen so that it doesn’t impact the production of melatonin. But this won’t combat the other issue with tech: stimulation. “The idea is, if you’re on your phone or your laptop all night you’re not really winding down anyway,” notes Pinkham.

5. Plan something for later​

Resuming regular life can feel like all of the fun, for now, has been had. The next thrilling occasion might not be in sight just yet. But who says you have to wait for a holiday or a birthday to see family, to eat gluttonously (within reason of course), and let yourself have a break?

If you’re feeling down about it all, then plan something fun for this evening, the weekend or for any point during the week.

It’ll give you something to look forward to and make sure you get through this gloomy day.

