I Just Learned What Happens When A Honey Bee Dies And It’s Straight From A Horror Film


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Did you know that the old line about bees dying right after they sting you actually only applies to honey bees?

I suddenly don’t feel so bad about my expletive-loaded response to being stung last year. However, if you’re still feeling bitter about a bee sting in the past, you might feel a little relieved or maybe get a little perspective when you learn exactly how honey bees die after stinging.

Let me tell you, it is absolutely gruesome.

How the honey bee dies after stinging

You know that sharp, burning sensation you feel when you’re stung by a honey bee? It doesn’t compare to their death.

That’s because, according to PBS, the honey bee’s stinger is structured in such a way that once it actually penetrates your skin, it can’t be retracted without the bee self-amputating.

So, as it tries to pull out the stinger, it actually ruptures its lower abdomen. This leaves the stinger embedded in the human but also pulls out...all of the bee’s insides including the digestive material, muscles, glands, and venom sac.

What’s left of the bee, you ask?

A gaping hole at the bottom of the abdomen.

If you’re understandably feeling sympathetic to the honey bee, rest assured that this only happens to female honey bees, as males do not sting.

Patriarchy at it once again.

How long do honey bees live for?

Despite having such a dramatic response to a single sting, honey bees actually have fairly long lifespans.

According to Buzz About Bees, worker honey bees born in spring and summer live for 2-6 weeks but if they’re born in autumn, they can live for up to 20 weeks.

Queen honey bees live for 1-2 years on average but can live up to a massive five years and drones can live for up to 55 days but live for around 30 days on average.



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