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Is it too soon to talk about 2022 Senate map? Never too soon!


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I love Daily Kos. I love the people who work here. I consider our writers some of the smartest people in the political space. And yet on our weekly podcast Daily Kos The Brief, we’ve been eager to feature experts from around the progressive world to discuss critical issues. That is to say, this is a Daily Kos podcast, but it’s not an ONLY Daily Kos podcast.

But today it will be, because I can see unequivocally that the Daily Kos Elections team is literally the smartest election-coverage team in the country. And so when we decided to talk about the Senate elections next year, it’s quite convenient knowing that the top experts reside in-house. And among them, Jeff Singer is an elections savant.

So join us this week, as we pick Jeff’s brain on next year’s Senate elections, and we further discuss why it is so important that we do so. (Hint: “Democratic Senate majority” and “rendering Joe Manchin less relevant” should feature prominently.)

The live show airs Tuesdays, 1:30 PT/4:30 ET. The podcast goes live Wednesday morning.

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