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J6 grifter's latest project: Help unemployable insurrectionists find jobs with ‘patriotic’ companies


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If you want an employee who loves Donald Trump, will believe anything you tell them, and knows that bear spray isn’t just for bears anymore, have we got a website for you! These folks are both self-starters and cow-eyed automatons willing to cede their free will to a venal sack of ape scrapings.

A former Trump campaign aide who appears to believe the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection was nothing more than a pep rally is stepping up for the right of remorseless coup participants to explore the dignity of work after they’re released from stir. The website, Jobs for J6, is the brainchild of Matt Braynard, the executive director of the ironically titled Look Ahead America, a right-wing group that remains laser-focused on the 2020 election, which took place nearly two years ago.

VICE News:

Braynard, who worked on former President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, has sought to rewrite the history of the Capitol riot, falsely reframing it as a political rally rather than an insurrection, and claiming that the hundreds of people who have been charged with taking part in the attack are being politically persecuted for supporting Trump.


Speaking to VICE News, Braynard compared the attack on the Capitol to “civil protests or civil disobedience” and said in the past people who took part in such protests had received help from those on the left, via job programs or retraining programs to help get them back in the workforce. However, much of the advocacy for giving those with a criminal record a second chance comes from non-political groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, we should all believe in second chances, but legitimate second-chance programs—which, to be clear, are vitally important—don’t usually start with the premise that the workers they’re advocating for haven’t done anything wrong. Paying your debt to society usually entails acknowledging there’s a debt to be paid. For his part, Braynard seems to think J6 rioters are just regular, hardworking folks who got a little rambunctious—and are now “political prisoners.” Political Prisoner is even the name of his podcast! RELATED STORY: J6 insurrectionists tap into right-wing gullibility about ‘political prisoners’ to enrich themselves

“We decided to create a ‘Jobs for J6’ program to help connect these people to patriotic employers who are gonna give them a chance,” Braynard told VICE News.

Patriotic employers? Is he implying that Jan. 6 rioters are likewise patriotic? Because they seemed quite the opposite to me. In fact, there’s little you can do that’s less patriotic than trying to overthrow the U.S. government. Imagine if they’d actually succeeded in murdering the vice president. I suppose Hobby Lobby would be only too happy to let its cashiers wear “Ask Me About Hanging Mike Pence” buttons on their work uniforms.

Then again, if you’re looking for someone to downplay the Jan. 6 insurrectionists’ crimes, Braynard is your guy. In September 2021, he told The Washington Post that the rioters are mostly just misunderstood.

Braynard told The Post he was passionate about fighting for alleged rioters who he believes are being falsely prosecuted and “vilified because of their political viewpoints.” He says he is only supporting those who did not commit assault or destroy property, but falsely claims those actors were few and far between.

Roughly 600 people have been charged in the attack, making it one of the largest prosecutions in history. On Jan. 6, members of the mob assaulted police with bats, sticks and chemical spray in what prosecutors say are about a 1,000 separate attacks, injuring at least 130 officers. The chaos led to the deaths of five people. Over 100 people are charged with assaulting law enforcement.

A year after that story, the FBI estimates about 2000 Trump devotees stormed the Capitol that day; Insider’s comprehensive Jan. 6 tracker has the charge count at “over 919,” while NPR’s is at 904.

But wait! “Jobs for J6” isn’t just for those charged or convicted. According to VICE, Indeed for Insurrectionists also serves J6 spouses!

Of course, as far as second chances go, Republicans have recently—and falsely—accused Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman of hiring two murderers to his campaign staff. (The two people in question were actually wrongfully convicted.) So in MAGA World, you can’t have innocent men who nevertheless served decades in prison on your campaign staff, but it is a capital idea to hire remorseless convicts who are addlepated enough to believe Donald Trump and also have a demonstrated knack for insubordination.

According to Braynard, “several dozen” employers have so far approached his group with job openings, and he claims he’s already matched one rioter with an employer—but don’t ask who it is!

Braynard said his group would never reveal the names of employers because “reporters are real POS and I know what’s going to happen if we share the stories of the folks we’re working with or any of the employers who are stepping forward. They’re gonna get a nasty story written [about them].”

A nasty story, huh? It’s almost as if these people attempted to end American democracy or something. I mean, give them a break, why don’t you?

Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.