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John Fetterman responds to Dr. Oz's puppy-killing scandal with cavalcade of cuteness


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Mere days ago, when Dr. Mehmet Oz’s biggest political liability was that he was an out-of-touch carpetbagger who likes to push fake remedies (e.g., Donald Trump) on lonely, desperate people, it looked like the only office he might actually have a shot at winning was dog catcher.

Yeah, about that. If Derp Oz himself was thinking along those lines, he can fuggetaboutit. (That’s how they say it in Jersey—right, Mehmet?)

On Monday, Jezebel dropped a story that somehow managed to be only the second-most explosive revelation of the day. (Sure, voters might be concerned about inflation, but they also have to be a little alarmed that the number of women Herschel Walker has impregnated is currently increasing faster than the cost of Whole Foods crudités.)

Seems that Dr. Moreau Oz has been experimenting with puppies—and not with the kind of wide-eyed childhood innocence you’d see in a future serial killer. No, this was systematic—and by all appearances, exceedingly cruel.

From Jezebel:

Oz, the New Jersey resident who’s currently running for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, was a “principal investigator” at the Columbia University Institute of Comparative Medicine labs for years and assumed “full scientific, administrative, and fiscal responsibility for the conduct” of his studies. Over the course of 75 studies published in academic journals reviewed by Jezebel, Oz’s team conducted experiments on at least 1,027 live animal subjects that included dogs, pigs, calves, rabbits, and small rodents. Thirty-four of these experiments resulted in the deaths of at least 329 dogs, while two of his experiments killed 31 pigs, and 38 experiments killed 661 rabbits and rodents.

Okay, so a bunch of animals were killed in animal experiments. Happens every day, right?

Well …

In the early 2000s, testimony from a whistleblower and veterinarian named Catherine Dell’Orto about Oz’s research detailed extensive suffering inflicted on his team’s canine test subjects, including multiple violations of the Animal Welfare Act, which sets minimum standards of care for dogs, cats, primates, rabbits, and other animals in the possession of animal dealers and laboratories. The law specifically requires researchers and breeders to use pain-relieving drugs or euthanasia on the animals, and not use paralytics without anesthesia, or experiment multiple times on the same animal.

Dell’Orto testified that a dog experimented on by Oz’s team experienced lethargy, vomiting, paralysis, and kidney failure, but wasn’t euthanized for a full two days. She alleged other truly horrifying examples of gratuitously cruel treatment of dogs, including at least one dog who was kept alive for a month for continued experimentation despite her unstable, painful condition, despite how data from her continued experimentation was deemed unusable.

Yeah, that’s horrifying, but somehow it gets worse. According to Dell’Orto, during one Oz-led study, a litter of puppies was killed via an injection of expired drugs that were inserted directly into their hearts. The puppies weren’t sedated during the procedure, and afterward, they were allegedly placed in a garbage bag with some of their still-living littermates.

In 2004, Columbia University paid a modest $2,000 fine for violations of the Animal Welfare Act following an internal investigation into Dr. Oz’s research. But while the internal Columbia investigation did lead to “consequences,” Dell’Orto suggested that the scandal mostly got swept under the rug, noting that “investigators on the committee ... were also complicit in this type of poorly designed, cruel animal experimentation.” And while Oz didn’t abuse any puppies directly, Dell’Orto pointed out, “When your name is on the experiment, and the way the experiment is designed inflicts such cruelty to these animals, by design, there’s a problem.”

Of course, John Fetterman, being John Fetterman, wasted no time in tweaking this tweedy terrier tormenter.

Love my @LeviFetterman + ArtieGirl. Hugging them extra tight tonight It would be *so* nice if everyone replied to this thread with pictures of their pups ❤️ pic.twitter.com/B5dQTIxFZz

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) October 4, 2022

For the nontweeters:

Love my @LeviFetterman

+ ArtieGirl. Hugging them extra tight tonight It would be *so* nice if everyone replied to this thread with pictures of their pups

Naturally, many, many non-dog torturers obliged.


— Granny Bear Josie (@JosieBLawson) October 4, 2022

Here’s my little friend. His name is Apollo. He’s the bestest boy. pic.twitter.com/iz8qG0sMey

— str8outaoakland (@str8outaoakland) October 4, 2022

Birdie Sanders pic.twitter.com/pv9doqIbCY

— Kaye Stone ???? (@KayeStone15) October 4, 2022

Vintage puppy-era Tater Tot pic.twitter.com/w1gw6J9S8Z

— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) October 4, 2022

You get the idea.

John Fetterman = happy, playful pups.

Dr. Oz = puppies snuggling up to their dead littermates in Hefty bags for a fleeting dose of comfort and warmth as the light in their eyes dims like the GOP’s chances of taking the Senate.

Say, maybe it’s about time for Triumph the Insult Comic Dog to pay our good doctor a visit.

It’s clear that Mehmet Oz is the worst possible choice for Pennsylvanians. Chip in $3 or more to help John Fetterman send him back to New Jersey, not the Senate!

Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.