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Kerry Eleveld on the Michelangelo Signorile Show: The Big Lie whips up 'the perfect storm'


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As the bipartisan panel to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol continues gathering evidence, many in the GOP are starting to feel increasingly nervous—but there is no time to waste in getting to the bottom of what happened that day, as Daily Kos senior political writer Kerry Eleveld recently explained to Michelangelo Signorile on his radio show.

So much is at stake with the investigation into this violent attack, and so many Republicans are invested in hiding the truth of that day. Eleveld pressed upon the audience the urgency of moving this investigation along in a timely manner: “This Jan. 6 commission has to get it done. I mean, they have to get the truth out because if Republicans take over—if they win next November, and they take over in January, they are going to shut this down, right?”

As she elaborated, it’s clear GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy is desperate for the truth not to come out:

[He wants to cover up] any of what happened and any connections between the Republican Party, some GOP congressional members, and Trump’s involvement in potentially stoking a coup—an attack on the U.S. government. He’s so desperate for none of that information to come out. Mitch McConnell is, too, by the way.

Signorile added that GOP leadership is getting more and more nervous about the investigation because so many key witnesses are being called in to testify:

They’ve interviewed a lot of people who we know have information. They’re people who, either because they really finally got a conscience, or they’re worried about how it’s going to affect them, they’re people who were on the inside, they were, you know, former Trump officials. There’s the White House communications aide, Alyssa Farah, there’s former Trump Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark, he was subpoenaed and he spoke today. And then Richard Donoghue, I think he voluntarily went, as well as with Jeffrey Rosen, the former acting attorney general, so they are probably spilling all kinds of information.

Eleveld noted that “[that congressional committee has] the benefit of an administration that has decided that they’re prioritizing the truth coming out over some sort of institutional ‘protect the White House’ mentality, which is oftentimes what you get with even a subsequent chief executive.”

She urged the Department of Justice to move forward with its criminal contempt complaint against Trump adviser Steve Bannon.

The “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was somehow stolen from Trump continues to be dangerous as well, as conservatives are now running with it and using it to sow distrust in the electoral process. “They say it in every election unless their person wins,” Eleveld said, expressing exasperation with the boldfaced nature of their lie. “But [when] Republicans [win], nobody is crowing about dead people voting. So basically, what they’re going to keep doing is keep trumpeting this and keep putting this in peoples’ minds until a perfect storm happens … it happened on Jan. 6th, but it could happen again.”

The pair also discussed polling that shows low confidence among Republicans in the belief that their ballots will be counted if they vote, and how conservative lawmakers continue fomenting violence and advocating for the use of force to shore up their waning power.

You can listen to the full audio here:

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