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Labour Party Accepts 81 Voluntary Redundancies In Cost Cutting Drive


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Labour has accepted 81 applications for voluntary redundancy, HuffPost UK understands, after the party moved to axe staff in order to drastically cut costs.

In total, 99 staff volunteered to take a payout and leave, but some applications were rejected as their role was seen as crucial to the running of a restructured party machine.

Those accepting the offer of voluntary redundancy (VR) will receive four weeks pay for every year served.

Labour bosses are hoping to at least make at least 90 people redundant as a way to save millions of pounds.

Keir Starmer has been warned staff could take strike action if compulsory redundancies follow the voluntary process in order to make up the numbers.

Labour staff who are part of the Unite union voted 78% in favour of strike action, while 75% of GMB members said the same, if people are forcibly cut.

In an email to party staff on Friday, David Evans, Labour’s general secretary, said the cuts will lead to an overall headcount reduction of 60 — 21 of the 81 staff taking VR will be backfilled.

“This is substantial progress on meeting our financial pressures and as you know we have put in place a number of other financial controls to improve the position further,” he said.

“We will now carry out a financial review and take stock of the position. We expect that this review will be concluded next month in October.

“I am pleased to say that at this stage we see no need to consider compulsory redundancies as part of this process.”

“The absolute top priority now is to ensure that we have a really successful Annual Conference where we cut through to the British public with our positive vision for the future.”

Unite regional officer Matt Smith said: “Labour staff have worked tirelessly for the party and should not be made to pay the price for this reorganisation.

Some party employees who accepted voluntary redundancy had been told their current role would not exist in the new party structure.

Staff were told in July that the financial situation was so bad the party had only one month’s worth of payroll in reserve.

The Labour Party has been approached for comment.

