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'Lamb walking into a slaughterhouse': Three Florida educators die of COVID-19 complications


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Within 24 hours, two teachers, a teaching assistant, and a graduate of Broward County Public Schools in Florida have died after testing positive for COVID-19, the local teacher's union president told CNN. The three educators were unvaccinated. The recent deaths, like the some 1,000 reported last week throughout the state, have done little to motivate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to reverse his stance after banning schools from implementing mask requirements. Named in a lawsuit over the anti-masking ban, DeSantis has until Monday to defend his position, Leon County Circuit Judge John Cooper ordered and The Associated Press reported. Plaintiffs in the case, mostly parents, have been clear on their position.

“The Florida Constitution requires that state entities and public officials, who are charged with overseeing the funding and operations of public education, ensure that Florida’s schools operate safely,” they said in the lawsuit. “Defendants cannot legally deny students, public school staff, their family members and the public with whom they come in contact within the public school system their basic human needs for health and safety.”

Broward County School Board Chair Rosalind Osgood told CNN on Friday that the district, which is slated to reopen schools for their first day back on Wednesday, will continue to require masks in defiance of the governor’s mandate. “The eight of us on our board are adamant that we cannot have people in schools without masks because we are living backlash of people dying with Covid,” Osgood said. “You can’t take a risk with peoples’ lives.

“We feel strongly that the lives of our students and staff are invaluable, and we’re not willing to play Russian roulette with their lives or take a risk of losing people because we have people in schools without masks,” she added.

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On Sunday, CNN invited teachers in states banning mask requirements—Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas—to share their experiences. Victoria, from Palm Beach County, Florida, repeated DeSantis' remarks supporting a ban on mandated masks in school. He said that we "need our kids to breathe." Victoria responded: “I immediately thought, ‘How can they breathe if they're dead?’ I know that's so morbid and so dark, but that's the reality.”

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Julie, from Houston, told CNN:

“There are over 3,000 students at my high school. There will not be three feet between anybody at any given time. How fast do you think the Delta variant will travel within that population? I have no power. There are no teacher unions in Texas. Walking back into my school building is going to feel like I'm a lamb walking into a slaughterhouse.

I don't see how the governor has the power to tell the school districts what to do, it's ridiculous. It's a public health issue. The least we could do is to wear masks. Those work. The kids all wore them last year and they didn't have any problem. Not one kid. And I have older students, they're seniors. When the kids have more sense than the district, you have wonder what the school district's doing. And I hate to say this, but for Texas, it's going to take children dying for the governor to take that no mask mandate away.”

Jessica M., a nurse practitioner, also gave a detailed account of what she encountered just two nights ago with one of her patients. “Tonight I helplessly held the hand of and stroked the hair of a beautiful 14 year old girl as she exited this world,” the nurse tweeted. “She was looking forward to starting high school and eventually becoming a veterinarian. It was so senseless! I truly believe she could have been saved if her parents had not forbidden us from intubating her.

Jessica M. added in a series of tweets:

“A free vaccination would have prevented it all! This little girl was robbed of her whole life and of fulfilling all of her dreams. She had been with us 9 days and was able to communicate well until taking a turn for the worse yesterday. About 2 hours later we were unable to save a 25 year old mother of 1 who was 15 weeks pregnant. She had refused the vaccines because of the lies about them causing infertility and harming her baby. Liars killed her, her baby and robbed a 2 year old little boy of his mommy and sibling. Not to mention robbing a husband of his wife and child. Those were 2 of 4 deaths we had tonight with the oldest being 45 years old! It was the 1st time since late March we have lost more than 3 covid patients in a single shift. Then we find out this morning a coworker had 2 of her tires cut in 1 of our employee parking lots overnight! Fortunately, security caught and was able to detain the asshole until police arrived and took him into custody. (F--k) the big orange buffoon, DeSantis, Facebook, Fox news, antivaxxers, magas, Dr Mercola, Robert Kennedy Jr, all parents who believe these killers over proven science and ALL other killers who spread anti vaccine lies.”

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