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Larry Elder throws Trump under the bus, says election wasn't rigged


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I think the GOP must have read Dartagnan’s article, because ridiculously claiming every election they lose is rigged was never going to work. Engaging in conspiracy theories simply highlights how pathetic they are, and encourages their own supporters not to vote.

On Monday, the former guy—who still hasn’t gotten over his own loss and soothes his ego by lying about it—issued a statement saying, “Does anybody really believe the California Recall Election isn’t rigged?” Initially, defeated-GOP candidate Elder was on board with this and declared the vote fraudulent before it even ended. His campaign linked to a “Stop CA Fraud” website where people could report “suspicious” activities (i.e., minorities voting) and sign a petition demanding a special legislative session to investigate the recall election—even before Election Day!

Elder lost by so much, however, that he realized he didn’t want to look like the sore loser Trump is. Elder rejected Trump’s statement that the election was rigged and asked his supporters to be “gracious in defeat.” This is something Trump is literally incapable of doing.

Larry Elder, the leading GOP candidate in California's recall, tells his supporters to be "gracious in defeat" after they boo Gov. Newsom's name. "By the way," he adds, "we may have lost the battle, but we are going to win the war." https://t.co/cagDpkFQdS pic.twitter.com/ifStV5RLLx

— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 15, 2021

To recap, Trump has such a fragile ego that he can’t ever be wrong about anything, and can’t ever accept he lost anything. In every election he lost, he claimed there was fraud. He did that with the 2020 election, the 2016 popular vote, the Iowa caucus that Ted Cruz won, and even the Emmys. He wants “crying foul” to be the default position for every GOP election loss going forward, but even wack-a-doos like Elder realize this strategy does absolutely nothing but open you up to mockery.

Even Larry Elder is less pitiful than Trump. Did not see that coming.