Lawrence O’Donnell Destroys The Argument That Biden Should Step Aside


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Lawrence O'Donnell on why Biden can't be replaced as Democratic nominee.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell wrecked the argument coming from some circles that President Joe Biden should step aside as the Democratic nominee.

How Did Lawrence O’Donnell Debunk The Dump Biden Fantasy?​

O’Donnell talked about the dump Biden fantasy and particularly Ezra Klein’s recent piece in The New York Times and said:

I mentioned Joe Biden at a fund-raiser tonight, where he is crushing Donald Trump in the fundraising competition. The latest campaign finance report shows that the Biden-Harris reelection campaign has $56 million on hand at the end of January while the Trump campaign had only $30 million, President Biden is also raising money with and for the Democratic National Committee which has $24 million on hand at the end of January, the Republican National Committee has $8 million. At the end of January. In the month of January alone, the Trump campaign raised eight point eight million, and spend eleven point four million. Donald Trump has spent a total of $50 million on lawyers during the campaign, will spend much more. Other PACs and fundraising committees supporting the Biden-Harris ticket had a combined $117 million at the beginning of this year, and here is the part, right here.

Here’s the part of the story that no one who has said Joe Biden should drop out or has written that Joe Biden should drop out has ever mentioned that every other Democrat whose name shows up in these articles as a substitute for Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee has raised exactly zero or money for a presidential campaign. No one has told you about the money, That means that none of them have thought for a second about the money, every series observer of presidential campaigns is supposed to know how important campaign money is, and not one of these people are telling you that it’s time to get rid of Joe Biden have given a thought to the money, so here is what they haven’t told you or simply do not know, not one penny Gavin Newsom has in his campaign treasury in California is usable in a presidential campaign,

Money raised for state elections for governors in California and other states are raised under different laws. Then the laws governing federal campaign money. Gavin Newsom has zero to spend on a presidential campaign as of tonight, Gavin Newsom knows that. Gavin Newsom, if he can get the nomination would then leave the convention with no ability to even fly his way home. Let me say the number again, zero. That is how many dollars Gavin Newsome would have to spend, would have to spend on a presidential campaign leaving the Democratic convention, he would have zero.

There is one other candidate, besides Joe Biden, who has raised money for presidential campaign and only that one candidate who’s done that is Kamala Harris, the money raised for the Biden Harris campaign was raised in the name of both candidates, so Kamala Harris has a legal claim on all of that money if Joe Biden were to drop out of that race.


Joe Biden isn’t going anywhere, because no one else can raise the money or build the massive organization needed to win an election against Donald Trump in the few months before election day, Getting rid of Joe Biden would hand the White House to Donald Trump.

The only other option for Democrats is Vice President Harris, and the same mostly white male progressives who have been trying to get rid of Biden have also been trying to get rid of Harris.

The “Biden Replacement Theory” is absolute BS, and the people pushing it, like Ezra Klein, are smart enough to know better, which makes me think that they know exactly what they are doing, and this is a play for their own relevance more than serious concern about winning in November.

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