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Massachusetts Trader Joe's store is first to unionize, this week in the war on workers


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Trader Joe’s Hadley, Massachusetts, store became its first to unionize after workers voted 45 to 31 to form an independent union, Trader Joe’s United.

“This victory is historic, but not a surprise,” the union said in a statement after the votes were counted. “Since the moment we announced our campaign, a majority of the crew has enthusiastically supported our union, and despite the company’s best efforts to bust us, our majority has never wavered.”

The company responded to the vote by saying that it would recognize the union and begin bargaining. It said it was “willing to use any current union contract for a multistate grocery company with stores in the area,” a suggestion the workers rejected.

”We’re going to be negotiating a different contract, specifically for us, that the crew wants to see. We won’t be taking any boilerplate template contracts,” Maeg Yosef, the union spokeswoman and an 18-year Trader Joe’s worker, told the Daily Hampshire Gazette. She noted that the union won’t be alone in negotiations, saying, it was getting “donated legal support, so we won’t be going it alone, and the legal team is going to grow at this point, so we’re feeling good on that front.”

Workers at a St. Louis Boeing plant are poised to strike Monday, with disappearing 401(k) contributions high on their list of grievances, Jonah Furman reports at Labor Notes.

● The Starbucks union got its first win in Indiana as its momentum continues. But the company keeps firing union supporters as part of its broader union-busting campaign.

● Workers are reportedly dealing with sweltering heat in UPS vehicles:

Despite contract language that requires UPS to install fans in package cars, UPS Corporate is refusing to do so. It would be a shame if everyone calls @UPS HR at 1 (800) 742-5877 and demands that they take worker safety more seriously ? pic.twitter.com/q6xTjSo2gT

— Matt Leichenger (@mattleichenger) July 29, 2022

● Excerpt from the Labor Notes book Secrets of a Successful Organizer: Every boss has a weak spot. Find and use it.

In 40 years of labor reporting, David Moberg never gave up on the working class, Stephen Franklin writes following Moberg’s death.

Jobs in the residential long-term care industry are terrible and in need of fixes.

NEW: Hugely profitable railroad companies are putting the entire American economy in jeopardy. The railroads refuse to negotiate a fair contract with workers who are on call 24/7 & haven’t gotten a raise in 3 years. 115K railroad workers could be forced to strike in September. pic.twitter.com/1DIbjttdjU

— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) July 29, 2022

Former GameStop workers reveal that they were encouraged to lie or mislead customers in order to upsell warranties and pro memberships: “By any means necessary—we had to make a sale.” pic.twitter.com/oeWuRN5nBK

— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) July 26, 2022