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Mastriano launches '40 days of fasting' to save campaign, doesn't say who'll be doing the fasting


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Pro-sedition traitorous sleazebag Doug Mastriano's campaign for the Pennsylvania governorship hasn't been going well. He's been battling with the House committee investigating his own involvement in the Jan. 6 coup attempt; he's been receiving heat for hanging out with antisemites, seditionists, and other denizens of the far-right sewer; new videos are constantly appearing of Mastriano making horrific remarks or advocating for horrific things. The campaign is struggling for cash, and even in a Republican Party that thinks a violent coup is just peachy, if it's for the sake of keeping a barely-functional narcissistic tax-dodging rapist in the White House, most national Republicans are scurrying away from him as fast as they can.

In a sign of just how desperate things have become, Mastriano is announcing an extremely weird new move to turn the election in his favor. Or, at least, he might be. It's very unclear. But The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Mastriano used his campaign's Facebook account to post:

"A photo of two hands under the words '40 days of fasting & prayer' with the dates Sept. 29 through Nov. 8—Election Day. 'Interceding for our elections, our state, and our nation,' it stated, along with a verse from the Book of Isaiah."

Uh, what? What are we looking at here?

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That the post managed to get, uh, a grand total of ten comments from its posting yesterday to now doesn't exactly scream "voter enthusiasm," but to be fair, it's a completely baffling post.

Is Mastriano saying he will be fasting and praying for 40 days? Or is he just challenging other people to do the fasting for him? Who's doing the fasting, damn it?

And could you get more maudlin than scrounging up an Old Testament line about being a "rebuilder of walls?"

The general concept of "40 days of fasting and prayer" is, as a simple Google search will demonstrate, a very popular one that you can buy a whole bunch of Christian books about. But I do think the Inquirer has got the story wrong on this one.

Doug Mastriano never said he would be doing the fasting. He's just suggesting somebody should. Maybe an intern. By all means, though, the reporters that currently threaten to outnumber Doug's rally crowds should get some clarity on it.

If there's a larger rally among evangelical conservatives to Starve For Fascism this election season, there's not much of an online presence for it yet. It also isn't likely any such campaign would take off; in case you haven't noticed, coup-supporting conservatives aren't real big on personal sacrifice for the sake of anything. The people carrying assault rifles around to protest the temporary pandemic closure of bars and barbershops, the people who say rules about masks are an abomination unto their noses are not gonna be giving up ham-and-mayonnaise salads or crudités or anything else. Conservatism is about making everybody else give up things while you "roll coal" and freak out about library books that make you feel bad.

Still, though, a good idea. If Mastriano wants to turn things around, there'd be no better way than 40 days of prayerful piehole-shutting. It might be the only remaining thing worth trying.

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