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Mehmet Oz just can't stop teeing himself up for humiliation by Senate opponent John Fetterman


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All you really need to know about Dr. Mehmet Oz is that Donald Trump endorsed him. And his fellow doctors think he’s a quack. And he’s a New Jersey dude running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. Okay, that’s a lot of things—but what might finally end his frothy MAGA dreams is the fact that he’s running against a straight-up ninja.

In a decidedly weird attempt to tie his opponent, John Fetterman, to Sen. Bernie Sanders—who, not for nothing, wants to ensure every man, woman, and child in Pennsylvania has an inalienable right to decent health care—Dr. Oz, or perhaps a campaign intern Oz is currently treating with his own proprietary blend of thalidomide and homeopathic frog’s nipples, decided a very bad idea was a good one.


Get it? John and Bernie wear matching sweater vests and John has a preternaturally large head—the better for snapping off Oz’s wee skull and crunching it like a Corn Nut on his back molars, apparently.

Needless to say, Fetterman, who’s been on point with his memes and ads since Oz slithered to the top of the GOP primary mulch pile, responded to (and ratioed) Oz like a champ with this chaser:


— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) July 20, 2022

Of course, this isn’t the first time Fetterman has gotten the best of Oz, and it almost certainly won’t be the last. Fetterman has been viciously trolling Oz over his Pennsylvania (non) residency status, among other things, for weeks.

For instance, there was this gem, which Daily Kos’ own Dartagnan explained in this post.

Ah yes, the trip to Pats + Geno's -- a rite of passage for every tourist. https://t.co/3v3iCe1y1k

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) July 15, 2022

Fetterman’s campaign also enlisted The Jersey Shore’s Snooki to troll the bad doctor:

Hey @DrOz ? JERSEY loves you + will not forget you!!! ? pic.twitter.com/YmaXfMpzUK

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) July 14, 2022

And if you’re a Pennsylvania or New Jersey resident, you may want to get yourself one of these:

Love my bumper sticker as a New Jersey resident!! Go @JohnFetterman pic.twitter.com/JWWQiQth0e

— Evan F. Grollman (@evan_grollman) July 12, 2022

Then there was this fun promo, which by the looks of it generated its share of earned media (and Fetterman’s wife, Giselle, suggested the red heart):

ICYMI… we had a big weekend ? fun summer memories down the shore ? pic.twitter.com/jKMtGvzPN2

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) July 13, 2022

In short, Fetterman is really, really good at this, and Oz is spectacularly bad. Of course, that doesn’t mean Fetterman will win. He’s doing well so far, but campaigns have to give 100% effort from wire to wire.

Chip in to help Fetterman—and the rest of our U.S. Senate candidates—if you can. This is a seat we need, and between you and me, I couldn’t be happier that Fetterman—and not Dr. Doofus—is on our side.

Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.