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The Brexit And Political discussion Forum

Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

News Roundup: GOP plan to nullify the election was brazenly fascist; Texas bounty hunting begins


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In the news today: A memo describing the "plan" Trump and Republican allies drafted to overturn Trump's election loss has been uncovered. What was the plan? For Mike Pence to unilaterally declare that the votes of seven American states—all won by Biden—didn't count, declare Trump was, therefore, the winner, and ... that's it. That was the plan. If you were still under the impression that these people were anything but brick-headed authoritarian crackpots, prepare to be disabused of the notion.

In other news, Texas anti-abortion activists are professing to be outraged that the state's new bounty hunter law is being used to hunt bounties, Republican governors continue to do their level best to make sure pandemic deaths in their states will continue to rise, and the House select committee investigating January 6 is about to push things along with a new barrage of subpoenas.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

Republicans' Jan. 6 plan called for Pence to declare Trump the 'winner' by leaving out seven states

Texas abortion opponents are upset someone is taking advantage of their bounty hunter law

After quashing mask, vaccine mandates, GOP governors fresh out of ideas for stemming COVID-19 spread

On both sides of Capitol Hill, Jan. 6 investigation continues: info 'surfacing every day'

Texas restaurant owner doubles down on anti-mask policy after kicking out mask-wearing parents

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