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The Brexit And Political discussion Forum

Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

News Roundup: Mitch's next federal shutdown; Giuliani's deadly hoax; Abbott's weirdest stunt yet


Active member
In the news today: Senate Republicans remain unified in their promise to cause another government shutdown while daring Democrats to do something about it. An internal Trump campaign document shows that top Trump "lawyers" knew full well that their election claims were lies; those claims would soon lead to a violent attempted insurrection inside the U.S. Capitol. Would-be Republican presidential candidates continue their descent into farce, with Florida's governor appointing a hydroxychloroquine-supporting crank as surgeon general and Gregg Abbott ... well, you have to see his latest stunt to believe it, and even then you might not believe it's real. Yikes.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

House votes to avert government shutdown and default. Senate Republicans are united in opposition

Internal Trump campaign memo shows that Giuliani and Powell knew everything they pushed was a lie

'Democrats still have the power': Massive rally demands legalization stay in reconciliation package

Florida remains screwed as DeSantis picks hydroxychloroquine-supporting quack as new surgeon general

Oh great, another stupid border stunt from Greg Abbott

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Stupidity as shibboleth

The Eastman memo and what it might have triggered

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