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The Brexit And Political discussion Forum

Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

News Roundup: Nunes bails from Congress; pandemic deaths mount in Republican counties


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In the news today: House Republican Devin Nunes has apparently decided he can do more to undermine the country as private citizen than he can in the House: Today he announced he'll be retiring from his House seat to (cough) allegedly run a new startup pro-Trump media company. Allegedly.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has been a Republican target for allegedly not doing enough to assist the party in nullifying both Trump's loss and the loss of two Republican senate seats, and now one of the senators tossed by voters, David Perdue, has announced he'll be mounting a primary challenge to the "failed" Kemp.

Back on planet Earth, the consequences of Republican anti-mask, anti-vaccine rhetoric are now hitting the Republican base in their homes: Americans living in heavily Republican counties are now several times more likely not just to catch COVID-19, but to die from it. So far there's no sign that any Republican, much less the Fox News boardroom, cares.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

Rep. Devin Nunes announces he's moooooooooving on from Congress

Get ready for GOP slings and arrows in Georgia—Perdue is primarying Gov. Kemp at Trump's behest

Republican leaders have gotten their wish: Their own base is now dying from COVID-19

Feds bust dozens in 'modern-day slavery' operation, migrants held at gunpoint on Georgia farms

Last week was a truly horrible week for asylum-seekers and U.S. asylum law

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