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The Brexit And Political discussion Forum

Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

News Roundup: Republicans reinforce insurrection hoax; voters aren't buying GOP whines


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In today's news: House Republicans begin the process of removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership position. Cheney's sin: Refusing to back the House Republican claims of election "fraud" that led to the attempted toppling of government. Polls show the public still isn't buying Republican claims that it's Biden who's blocking "bipartisanship." The newest culture war is here, and it comes in the form of Republican lawmakers demanding schools not teach American students about structural racism.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

House Republicans confirm fascist intent, pushing to remove Cheney for not supporting Trump hoaxes

Vast majority of Americans say congressional Republicans, not Biden, are dooming bipartisanship

Republicans scramble to ban 'certain messages' and 'unsanctioned narratives' from schools

Tennessee Republican defends Three-Fifths Compromise while debating on Assembly floor

Enjoy John Oliver calling Tucker Carlson a 'scrunched-faced fear baboon'

From the community:

U.S. District Judge: Release the Memo Barr Used to Clear Trump from Mueller

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